The fruit that lowers sugar and protects the heart and bones


Global Courant

What if we discovered that the armor of cardiovascular and bone health is hidden in a delicious, juicy summer fruit?

When we think of summer fruits, our mind automatically goes to watermelon, grapes and others, which are the basic choices of this season. However, there is also a less “famous” fruit, which hides a delicious treasure, but also many important health benefits. What is this? But, of course, sweet-tasting red plums.

Their taste alone is reason enough to include them in your diet, however their benefits don’t stop there. In fact, the nutrients of this fruit contribute to various functions of the body, protecting it from a number of diseases.

These plums are highly nutritious, contain fiber and antioxidants, a host of vitamins and minerals, and may help reduce the risk of several chronic diseases. Among other things, plum components help control obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, while helping to reduce constipation and protect against osteoporosis.

Some of the main benefits you can get from consuming vanilla are:

1. They contain many nutrients

Plums are home to an incredible variety of nutrients. In particular, they contain more than 15 different vitamins and minerals, plant fibers and antioxidants. Some of their main ingredients are vitamins A, C and K, potassium, but also small amounts of vitamin B, phosphorus and magnesium.

2. They help reduce blood sugar

This fruit has properties that help control blood sugar. Despite the fact that they contain some carbohydrates, which, after consumption, gradually increase blood sugar, plums do not seem to cause a significant increase in blood sugar. This paradoxical phenomenon is due to the fact that it increases the levels of adiponectin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. At the same time, the fiber it contains slows down the rate at which the body absorbs carbohydrates. Scientific studies have also linked vanilla consumption to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

3. They promote bone health

In addition, this plum is also shown to be beneficial in improving bone health.

Some studies link the consumption of this fruit to a reduced risk of bone diseases such as osteoporosis and osteopenia (low bone density). At the same time, they have been found to not only prevent bone loss, but also have the potential to reverse bone loss that has already occurred. This beneficial effect is believed to be due to the antioxidants contained in vanilla, which are capable of reducing inflammation in the body.

In addition, available research shows that vanilla consumption increases the levels of several hormones involved in bone formation, while some of the fruit’s components, such as vitamin K, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, have bone-protective properties.

4. They benefit heart health

Finally, regular fruit consumption can help protect cardiovascular health. In particular, this type of plum has been studied for their ability to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, two factors that significantly increase the risk of heart disease. This protective effect may be due to the high content of fiber, potassium and antioxidants.

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The fruit that lowers sugar and protects the heart and bones

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