The G7 urges China to pressure Russia to end the war

Norman Ray
Norman Ray

Global Courant 2023-05-21 07:54:27

HIROSHIMA, Japan — HIROSHIMA, Japan (AP) — The group of seven wealthy democracies urged China to put pressure on its strategic partner Russia to end its war against Ukraine and peacefully resolve territorial disputes, and China hit back.

In a joint statement, G7 leaders stressed that they did not want to harm China and sought “constructive and stable relations” with Beijing, “recognizing the importance of openly dealing with and expressing our concerns directly to China.”

“We call on China to put pressure on Russia to end its military aggression and immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw its troops from Ukraine,” the statement said on Saturday. “We encourage China to support a comprehensive, just and lasting peace based on territorial integrity and the principles and objectives of the UN Charter,” including in direct talks with Ukraine.

Cooperation with China is necessary given its global role and economic size, the group said, calling for cooperation on challenges such as climate change, biodiversity, debt and financing needs of vulnerable countries, global health concerns and economic stability.

But the leaders expressed “serious concern” over the situation in the East and South China Seas, where Beijing has expanded its military presence and threatens to use force to exert control over self-governed Taiwan. They called for a “peaceful resolution” of China’s claim to Taiwan, which has remained unresolved since the Communists took power in mainland China in 1949.

The statement said there was “no legal basis for China’s extensive maritime claims in the South China Sea, and we oppose China’s militarization activities in the region.”

“A growing China abiding by international rules would be of global interest,” the statement said, citing allegations that Beijing is undermining the “rules-based international order”.

The G7 also unanimously expressed concern for human rights in China, including in Tibet, in Hong Kong and in the extreme western region of Xinjiang, where the issue of forced labor is a perennial issue.

But the statement also sought to refute allegations that the G7 is trying to prevent China’s rise to power as a world power.

“Our policy approaches are not intended to harm China, nor do we seek to thwart China’s economic progress and development,” the statement said. The statement highlighted a consensus that efforts to diversify manufacturing supply chains and ensure stable access to strategically vital minerals and other resources are not intended to unravel trade ties with the world’s second-largest economy.

“We are not disconnecting or turning inward,” the statement said. “At the same time, we recognize that economic resilience requires less risk and diversification. We will take steps, individually and collectively, to invest in our own economic vibrancy. We will reduce excessive dependencies in our critical supply chains.”

At the same time, G7 members vowed to take a stand against various types of “economic coercion”, saying they will “counter malicious practices, such as unlawful transfers of technology or disclosure of data”, while also avoiding “unnecessarily distorting trade and investment”. to limit”. ”

Chinese officials have expressed outrage at several G7 statements on economic coercion and other issues.

In a statement, China’s foreign ministry said the G7 “used issues related to China to smear and attack China and shamelessly interfere in China’s internal affairs. China deeply regrets and firmly opposes this and has made serious demarches to the summit host country, Japan and other concerned parties.”

“The G7 should stop pointing the finger at China in Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet and take a closer look at their own histories and human rights record,” it said.

Taiwan, meanwhile, thanked the G7 for its support.

“Taiwan will stand with democracies and communities of the world to work together in defusing the risks,” the president, Tsai Ing-wen, said on Saturday. “Today, the consensus around the world is very clear, which is that issues about the Street of the Street should be resolved peacefully. War is not an option,” she said at a news conference.

In addition to Japan, this year hosting the leader’s annual summit, the G7 includes the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada and Italy, and the European Union.

The G7 statement was released on the second day of a three-day summit. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in Hiroshima on Saturday to take part in meetings scheduled for Sunday.


The G7 urges China to pressure Russia to end the war

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