The Guardian Angels

Sara Nazir
Sara Nazir

In the aftermath of recent General Election, amidst the fervent political discourse and post-electoral analysis, it’s crucial to take a moment to acknowledge a group often overlooked in the clamor: the men and women in uniform, tirelessly safeguarding our borders. These Khaki clad individuals, often performing duties away from public’s eye, stand as unwavering sentinels in their commitment to protect our borders. While politicians maneuver for power and pundits dissect electoral strategies, these guardians remain steadfast in their mission, regardless of the prevailing political winds.

While the political arena churns with ambition and fleeting alliances, the guardians stand guard. Their mission transcends the ephemeral tides of politics; it is etched in steel and forged in unwavering dedication. They are the sentinels, the bulwark against threats unseen, the silent protectors who stand watch even as the world around them convulses in change. They are the Armed Forces, and their steadfastness serves as a constant amidst the tempestuous sea of political maneuverings. Though invisible to many, their presence is a reassuring hum, a reminder that even as the gears of politics shift, the bedrock of security remains firm. Yet, the line between guardian and ruler can be precarious, and vigilance is ever necessary. While their role is vital, their intrusion into the political sphere can cast a long shadow, eclipsing the very ideals they seek to protect. The true strength of a nation lies not just in the might of its Army, but in the delicate balance between the unwavering shield and the vibrant pulse of a freely elected Government.

On 8th February, when citizens casted their votes and the nation awaits the outcome, these dedicated service members patroled remote stretches of Balochistan, maintained vigilance along desolate borders of KPK, and stood watch at distant outposts. Their duty was not to engage in partisan debates or cast ballots but to uphold the solemn oath they’ve taken – to defend the homeland at the costs of their lives. Amidst the political rhetoric, it’s easy to overlook the sacrifices made by these people. Far from the comfort of home, separated from loved ones, they endure harsh conditions and extended deployments to provide safety for their homeland. Their lives are defined not by political affiliations but by an unwavering sense of duty, honor, and sacrifice.

Despite the political climate that often unfairly associates them with the policies they enforce, these guardians are anything but the architects of political decisions. Rather, they faithfully execute their duties, often at significant personal sacrifice. The men and women in uniform do not seek recognition or special treatment but simply desire acknowledgment – a nod of solidarity, a gesture of appreciation – to affirm that they are not alone in their dedication to protecting our nation.

As we reflect on the outcome of 2024 General Election, let us not forget those whose commitment transcends politics. Let us stand in solidarity with these guardians, assuring them that their sacrifices are not in vain and that they are an indispensable part of our nation’s security fabric. In a time where truth and reason are often overshadowed by political rhetoric, let us extend our gratitude to those who embody the principles of duty, honor, and service. Through their dedication, our borders remain secure, our nation stands strong, and the integrity of our democracy endures.

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The author is a gold medalist in Strategic Studies from Air University Islamabad and currently teaching as visiting faculty in a university based in Islamabad. She regularly writes on South Asian security and strategic issues.
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