The May 9th Mayhem

Sara Nazir
Sara Nazir

The 9th of May, 2023, will forever be etched in the memory of Pakistan as a day of shame and discord. On that day, fueled by anger and misdirected frustration, a wave of violence swept across the nation, engulfing military installations in a storm of destruction. While the reasons behind this outburst are complex and intertwined with political tensions, one thing remains clear: the actions of those involved were not only wrong, but they also dealt a severe blow to Pakistan’s image as a democratic and civilized nation.

To say that attacking military installations was a misguided way to express dissent is an understatement. It was a blatant assault on the very institutions responsible for safeguarding the nation’s security and stability. The act of destroying public property, causing chaos, and endangering lives is not a legitimate form of protest, but rather a descent into anarchy. Such actions undermine the very foundations of a democratic society, where grievances are addressed through peaceful means and dialogue, not through brute force and vandalism.

Furthermore, the message sent to the world by those events was one of a nation teetering on the brink of chaos. Images of protestors clashing with Security Forces, buildings set ablaze, and the echoes of violence resonating across the air painted a picture of a country struggling to contain its internal demons. This negative image not only tarnishes Pakistan’s reputation at the international stage but also discourages potential investors and partners, causing impediments to economic growth and development.

Moreover, the right to protest and express dissent, fundamental pillars of any democracy, were severely misrepresented on the 9th of May. These essential rights are not meant to be wielded as weapons of destruction, but rather as tools for constructive engagement and dialogue. When exercised responsibly, they pave the way for progress and positive change. However, when used as a justification for violence and mayhem, they lose their meaning and become instruments of self-destruction.

People with vested interests can build a narrative of rage and vengeance to fulfill their nefarious designs. The masterminds, facilitators, abettors and foot soldiers of the 9th May tragedy are to be condemned wholeheartedly to set the stage for a society that follows the rule and does not abrogate rules for petty gains.  

Moving forward, several steps are necessary to ensure that such a dark day never befalls Pakistan again. Firstly, thorough investigations must be conducted to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. Secondly, an organized mechanism be developed to preempt such blatant outbursts of anger and frustration and of course in a pre-emptive mode. Thirdly, efforts must be made to strengthen democratic institutions and promote a culture of peaceful coexistence. Finally, Pakistan must actively engage with the international community to rebuild trust and showcase its commitment to stability and progress.

The 9th of May is a wake-up call for Pakistan. It serves as a stark reminder that the path to a brighter future lies not in violence and destruction, but in dialogue, understanding, and a shared commitment to the principles of democracy and civil society. Let us learn from this dark chapter in our history and work together to build a Pakistan where dissent is respected, peace prevails, and progress is the only constant.

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The author is a gold medalist in Strategic Studies from Air University Islamabad and currently teaching as visiting faculty in a university based in Islamabad. She regularly writes on South Asian security and strategic issues.
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