“The PAMI application, another scam”

Robert Collins
Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-04-29 08:00:44

Our family doctor told us to download the PAMI application to our cell phones to access the orders to carry out the corresponding studies.

Well, when we download this application to my husband’s cell phone and load the national identity document and the procedure number, a sign appears on the phone that says: “The member was discharged.”

My husband and I patiently uninstalled and reinstalled the app and got the same result.

We called the number 138 (PAMI affiliate assistance) and they told us that the affiliate is active and that the application on the cell phone may be working incorrectly, that we should try again later.

Result: everything remains the same, on that phone and on any other platform that is made.

Reading the comments that this application has, it turns out that this inconvenience that we have been going through has been happening to hundreds of affiliates for months and the geniuses who created this service did nothing to solve it.

Another PAMI scam for the elderly.

It is time to solve this failure in the application of that body. Don’t you think?

Emma Alba Dolorini / emma_dolo@hotmail.com

Voices, claims and expectations of retirees

The retirees seem harmless, they do not go on strike or block the streets with pickets. This must have been thought by the Castro-Chavista government of the Fernández family, when it decided to keep the ANSeS dollars by decree.

However, retirees have a much more powerful weapon than strikes and pickets to defend our rights.

Because we are seven million people who, when casting their votes in the next elections, will have the lucidity to remember very well not to vote for those who looted pension funds twice.

Ricardo E. Frías / ricardoefrias@gmail.com

To give some air to his failed economic policy, Minister Massa has forced ANSeS to part with 11.8 billion dollars from the Sustainability Guarantee Fund for retirees and transform them into pesos.

The minister, as a good Kirchner employee, has said that his decree is beneficial for the pension system and, in the face of criticism, asked the UBA Faculty of Economic Sciences to determine whether or not his measure is appropriate.

The answer was that the operation did not affect the assets of retirees, nor a patrimonial loss for the organization. Vice Minister of Economy Sergio Rubinstein, a renowned economist, also endorsed this conclusion.

I respect those consulted, but I feel totally disappointed as a professional and retiree by their answers. They have not taken into account inescapable evidence. I would not want to embarrass them by asking if they, if they had their own assets in dollars in Argentina, would change them to pesos to be safer.

But I do remind you that in whatever period we choose, the price of the dollar was always above the rates in pesos. Let’s take the current government for example and we will see that from January 1, 2020 until today, the best bank rate multiplied by 2.92 any capital in pesos and instead the blue dollar, taking it today to say something at $460, it did 5.97 times and even the official dollar was adjusted by this administration 3.59 times (from $63 to $226.50).

What I strictly defend is the intangibility and value of the ANSeS reserves, which are those of all retirees. And above all, put an end to the custom of governments that violate laws for convenience. The law that created the Guarantee Fund was not made to solve the failure of an economic policy like the current one, but rather, as its text literally expresses it, to “promote the sustainability of the pension system.”

Matías Aníbal Rossi / matiasrossi2014@gmail.com

How long are we going to be virtual objects, instead of real patients, retirees or other citizens? The current fashion of some doctors and providers is to communicate via email or WhatsApp and not a direct call. Even virtual consultations, a circus.

A doctor issues a digital prescription and if it is for a certain provider it must be on the same platform. Isn’t it better to have a single database to which professionals, pharmacies and providers can have access?

More bureaucracy and less attention to the public. Idem the issue of the digital credential and no more plastic to use the security code. We spent days processing a digital prescription for my wife, and in the end they told us in a pharmacy that it had to be issued in the system of each provider, and if not, we would pay a fortune for a medicine.

Of course, the prepaid increase every month more than inflation and I do not see their leaders making claims in the media as was done in a pandemic. In other words, the problem is money, health and people don’t matter. Because the subject of digital recipes is not well unified, or that a copy by WhatsApp or mail is allowed as before. They have made everything more cumbersome even for doctors.

Direct care by phone for patients to request appointments or others should be another mandatory alternative, especially for older people and retirees, such as personal consultation. We are not robots, we are people.

I just hope they change these politicians for others who take pity on the people.

Rodolfo Castello / rccastello@hotmail.com

Where will the elderly go when they don’t want us to retire or give us work.

It is true that retiring with 30 years of contributions to live almost 40 years or more after retirement is an account that does not work here or anywhere. But how many old people require us in the jobs, especially in those that need the physique or adapt to technology at the rate it advances today.

Of course we are far from dealing with this issue, but at some point when we are a country without the majority of retirees being destitute, it would be good to start thinking about solving the problem of longevity.

Susana Mastronardi / susumastro@gmail.com

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“The PAMI application, another scam”

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