the urgent measures requested by the complaint

Robert Collins

Global Courant

The investigative statement of Fabiana Cecilia González (36) provided extremely important data for the investigation into the alleged femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowski (28) in Resistencia, Chaco, and further complicated the Sena clan.

“I saw a bundle wrapped in a brown blanket and I ran away,” said González, wife of driver José Gustavo Obregón (42), another of the defendants.

The woman said that at that moment she understood that what she had just seen could be a body, although she did not provide details of what they later did with it, as did her husband, who was the one who indicated where two bags with objects were discarded and which would be Cecilia’s skeletal remains.

César Sena, with Fabiana González and Gustavo Obregón.

When asked if she talked about it with Obregón, González replied that she hardly spoke to him, that they were fighting and that after seeing the package they argued.

The defendant told prosecutors that she fears “for her safety” and, after the investigation, she was transferred under a strong operation by the Chaco Penitentiary Service to the mayor’s office, where she will continue to be detained, according to Télam.

For this reason, the complaint – in charge of the lawyers Fernando Burlando, Juan Arregin and Gustavo Briend – demanded six measures of evidence from the Special Prosecutor Team (EFE) in charge of Jorge Cáceres Olivera, Jorge Gómez and Nelia Velázquez.

As Clarín learned, one of them has to do with the discovery of three fragments of phalanxes in the Tragadero River on June 20. These are parts of two fingers of one foot and one finger of one hand.

Gloria Romero, together with the lawyers Fernando Burlando and Juan Arregin, in the massive march on Sunday June 25 in Resistencia. Photo Juano Tesone / Special Envoy.

These parts were crushed and burned. This Tuesday they began to be analyzed by the members of the Forensic Anthropology Team of the Judiciary of Córdoba.

The complaint then requested the expansion of the search for the victim’s skeletal remains and belongings, in an area of ​​200 meters in both directions from his bed.

In addition, he claimed, as Clarín anticipated this Monday, that specialized dogs participate in these operations and that the six dogs that belonged to Cecilia and that are in the power of her mother, Gloria Romero (53), also collaborate.

Cecilia Strzyzowski’s posts with her dogs on her Instagram profile.

Another point is the possible intervention of the Argentine state telecommunications company ARSAT, or the corresponding office, to obtain satellite photographs of the determined places and times, corresponding to the months of March, April, May and June, in order to to establish changes or modifications in the investigated sites.

In this way, they could corroborate the existence of smoke from the burning of the remains of Cecilia, who would have been murdered on the morning of June 2 at the house of her in-laws, Emerenciano Sena (58) and Marcela Acuña (51), after arriving with her husband, César Sena (19), and cremated in the field, where 246 pigs were raised.

Regarding those bone remains found, they requested the extraction of photographic plates from the edges, that is, a macroscopic anthropological study, to determine the way in which they were sectioned.

They found crushed bones and a cross-shaped pendant in the Tragadero River. Photo @hhp_notas

The complaint also offered the collaboration of the victim’s mother, Gloria Romero, with an “urgent” blood extraction, to carry out DNA tests on the bone samples and alleged blood tissue that were seized in the framework of the investigation. .

Another of the aspects that the lawyers point to is the telephone communications, whether fixed lines or cell phones, belonging to the seven defendants.

For this reason, they required the complete detail of incoming and outgoing calls, with geolocation, extending the time range to four months before the start of the investigation, as well as the interweaving of calls.

The victim’s mother recognized the cross-shaped pendant that was apparently found in the bed of the Tragadero River.

The objective of this measure is to establish communication routines, frequencies and movements that are of interest to the investigation.

According to the complaint, on repeated occasions it was learned, during the trial stage, that the reports and/or proceedings incorporated in the investigation stage did not include all the photographs obtained, both official and personal.

In this way, they demanded that all the organizations that carried out expert or procedural steps, such as raids and kidnappings, urgently send all the photos, in order to be legally incorporated into the tax investigation.

Marcela Acuña, Emerenciano Sena and Cesar Sena.

Otherwise, they warned that if this material is withheld, they could be in breach of the duties of a public official.

And they added the request to take a testimonial statement from anyone who provides new photographs of interest.

Regarding the images, they asked the Expert Scientific Office, through the Cybercrime Division, to use three software to improve sharpness and increase resolution.

The house of the Sena clan. Photo Marcelo Carroll

The case

The suspicion of the investigators is that Cecilia was murdered on June 2 at the Sena house, located at 1460 Santa María de Oro street, and that her remains were crushed and burned in the field.

Her husband, César Sena, remains in custody for the case; the young man’s parents, Emerenciano Sena and Marcela Acuña. All three are charged as co-authors.

The other defendants are the driver and assistant of the couple, Gustavo Obregón; his wife, Fabiana González; the landlord of the camp of the main suspects, Gustavo Melgarejo, and his partner Griselda Pereira.

Cesar Sena and Cecilia Strzyzowski

Obregón’s statement was the key to finding the human remains and objects belonging to the victim in the Tragadero River, including a pendant and a ring.

To this was added his wife this Monday, who maintained that around 5:00 p.m. on June 2 he saw “a bundle wrapped in a brown blanket” in a Sena room and left “running.”



the urgent measures requested by the complaint

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