The White House cut: the US was not e


Global Courant

The White House has stated that the US was not involved in Wagner’s rebellion in Russia.

The sharp message comes after Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the country’s special services were investigating whether Western intelligence services were involved in the events that unfolded this weekend.

“The United States was not involved and will not be involved in this situation. This was an internal Russian matter,” said National Security Council spokesman Adam Hodge.

Earlier on Monday, Lavrov told Russia Today that although his department was not involved in gathering evidence of illegal activities, Russian services were looking into the possibility of foreign interference.

Asked “do you have evidence that neither Ukraine nor the West was involved in the uprising?”, Lavrov replied: “I am working in a department that is not engaged in gathering evidence of illegal actions. But we have such services and I assure you, they are already looking into this.”

Lavrov also said that the US ambassador to Russia signaled that the US had “nothing to do” with this weekend’s events.

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The White House cut: the US was not e

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