Manahil Jaffer

In Pakistan’s tribal regions, where old customs meet modern challenges, movements like the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) have found a way to stir ethnic tensions under the banner of advocacy. PTM, rather than focusing on constructive change, has repeatedly leveraged local issues to push a divisive narrative that threatens peace in an already fragile region.

On July 12, 2024, PTM leader Manzoor Pashteen, at the funeral of Gilaman Wazir, announced the formation of the “Pashtun Qaumi Adalat.” Wazir’s death, the result of a cricket match altercation with Azad Dawar, who was reportedly a die-hard PTI supporter, was quickly politicized by PTM. The incident, initially a personal dispute, was swiftly politicized by PTM, framing it as part of a broader narrative to amplify ethnic tensions and further its political agenda.

Pakistan’s Commitment to Uplifting Tribal Areas

Since the merger of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) in 2018, Pakistan has been committed to uplifting the region through substantial budget allocations and development projects. The government has invested over PKR 100 billion annually to improve infrastructure, education, and healthcare in these formerly neglected areas. Yet, despite the state’s efforts, tribal regions continue to struggle with age-old rivalries and inter-tribal clashes.

Blaming such violence on state institutions and the military is not only a misrepresentation but also neglects the complexities of tribal dynamics. By ignoring these intricacies, PTM dangerously distorts the situation, furthering its agenda under the pretense of advocating for Pashtun rights.

Pashtun Qaumi Adalat: A Vehicle for Division

The formation of Pashtun Qaumi Adalat reveals PTM’s intentions to use the plight of the Pashtun people as a platform to incite unrest in Pakistan. Amidst the surge in terrorism, Manzoor Pashteen’s recent visits to Orakzai, Tank, Wana, and other areas in KP highlight PTM’s mobile campaign aimed at spreading anti-state rhetoric. These moves threaten to undermine the hard-earned peace brought about by the efforts of Pakistan’s security forces and the sacrifices of the Pashtun community.

The wrapping of Gilaman Wazir’s coffin in an Afghan flag sends a dangerous message, one that leans towards secessionist tendencies rather than advocating for the community’s welfare. While PTM portrays itself as the voice of the Pashtun people, its actions suggest a more sinister motive—fueling enmity against the state.

PTM and Fitna al-Khawarij: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Despite apparent differences in their origins, the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) and Fitna al-Khawarij (FAK) increasingly appear to be two sides of the same coin. Both groups share a common objective: destabilizing Pakistan and undermining its military and law enforcement agencies. FAK and PTM both oppose the FATA-KPK merger, pushing for the removal of military checkpoints and reduced security presence. In his manifesto, 2017 book, Inqilab-e-Mehsud, South Waziristan: Firangi Raj se Amreeki Raj Tak, Noor Wali Mehsud, openly acknowledges PTM’s role in amplifying the TTP’s message. This overlap between PTM’s political activism and FAK’s violent insurgency solidifies the connection between the two.

After a FAK attack in Bannu on July 19, 2024, PTM orchestrated a so-called peace march that quickly turned violent. Reports suggest that PTM members breached the damaged walls of a military cantonment area, further escalating the situation. Such incidents reveal a coordinated strategy between the two groups: FAK initiates violence, and PTM capitalizes on the chaos to further its anti-state narrative. This symbiotic relationship between PTM and FAK underscores a troubling convergence of interests, aimed at weakening Pakistan from within. According to a 2023 report from the Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS), FAK carried out 208 attacks, claiming 570 lives in 2023 alone, underlining the severity of the threat that these groups pose.

External Influence

PTM’s actions are not isolated; they are part of a broader strategy fueled by external influences. Indian intelligence agency RAW, has long been suspected of supporting anti-state entities within Pakistan, and PTM is no exception. The 2022 EU Disinfo Lab report exposed how Indian-backed NGOs such as European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) have supported PTM, Baloch separatist group such as Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), and other groups to further discredit Pakistan’s military and destabilize its borders.

Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Efforts

While PTM claims to represent the interests of the Pashtun people, the reality on the ground tells a different story. Pakistan’s military and counterterrorism forces have made significant sacrifices to restore peace in regions like KPK and Balochistan. However, the capacity of local law enforcement agencies remains limited. According to the National Counter-Terrorism Authority (NACTA), the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) in KPK consists of only 537 personnel, an insufficient number to deal with the scale of terrorism incidents in the province.

Furthermore, the judicial system in these regions struggles to prosecute terrorists effectively. Of the 605 pending terrorism cases across Pakistan, KPK and Balochistan account for the highest numbers, with 196 and 208 cases respectively. In comparison, Punjab, which has 23 anti-terrorism courts, has only 48 pending cases. This disparity highlights the urgent need for judicial reforms and stronger law enforcement capabilities in terrorism-affected regions. Government of Pakistan must strengthen the security apparatus and measures in the region to maintain law and order.


The formation of Pashtun Qaumi Adalat is a calculated move by PTM to further its divisive agenda. Under the guise of advocating for Pashtun rights, PTM has aligned itself with violent actors like FAK, jeopardizing the stability and security of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and, by extension, Pakistan. The government of Pakistan must deal the disrupters of peace with iron hands. State security is non-negotiable and no one should be allowed to play with it. 

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