These are the services that are expected to be affected

Nabil Anas
Nabil Anas

Global Courant 2023-04-19 20:51:41

Canada news

The strike affects 155,000 workers, but about 30,000 essential workers will remain at work

Published April 19, 2023read for 4 minutes

Government workers create picket signs outside the federal government’s Harry Hays Building in downtown Calgary after 155,000 Canada’s public service workers went on strike on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. Photo by Gavin Young/Postmedia

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One of the largest strikes in Canadian history is now underway and thousands of federal officials are reporting to the picket line.

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The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) strike affects 155,000 workers, but about 30,000 of those workers are deemed essential and will continue to work.

Here’s a list of services, from the Canada Revenue Agency to Veteran Affairs, expected to be affected by the strike.

Strike shows that liberals have relinquished control of government to union leaders

More than 155,000 federal officials went on strike as of Wednesday

Agriculture and agri-food Canada: Disruptions to call taking are expected at the contact center, while other programs, such as those under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership and the Youth Employment and Skills Program, will also be affected.

The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency: Delays may occur due to reduced capacity.

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Canadian Heritage: Services, including confirmation of receipt of applications, funding decisions, and issuance of payments, may be impacted.

Canada Revenue Agency: The CRA encourages people to use its online services for things like filing taxes, changing personal information, and making payments. CRA anticipates that there may be delays in processing some income tax and benefits returns, particularly those filed on paper, and longer wait times at contact centers.

The Canadian Transportation Agency: The agency says it will keep the national transportation system working. Some services may be partially or completely interrupted, including dispute resolution and answering calls for information.

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The Canada School of Public Service: Availability of School products and services will be affected and may include the cancellation of upcoming events, courses and programs, and may impact their customer contact center response times.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada: The department will maintain all essential services, although delays may occur.

Employment and Social Development Canada: The Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, Employment and Social Security numbers are considered essential services, but there may be processing delays and longer wait times in call centers. Personal services at Service Canada Centers are limited to customers who require assistance with employment insurance, social insurance numbers, Canada Pension Plan, old age security and guaranteed income.

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Offices remain open, but days and hours may vary. The supply of passports is limited to customers in humanitarian or emergency situations. Partial delays in the processing of the temporary foreign worker program, the Canada Education Savings Bond, the Canada Disability Savings Grant and the Canada Disability Savings Bond are expected.

The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario: Applications for project financing processing and work to support economic development in Southern Ontario will continue to be processed. The department expects the effect on programs and project proponents to be minimal.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Canadian Coast Guard: Programs will continue to run, but may operate with reduced administrative capacity. Services that may be partially or completely disrupted include Canadian Coast Guard lighthouses, wrecked ships, and Fisheries and Oceans licensing and funding programs.

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Global Affairs Canada: The department says it will maintain essential services such as travel advisory, the EduCanada program and the international scholarship program. Foreign mission services, document authentication services, import and export licensing, the CanExport program and international assistance programs may be partially or fully affected.

Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada: The department is expected to maintain all essential services that may impact safety, security and health. There may be delays in non-essential services, such as processing requests or response times to phone and email inquiries.

Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada: Please expect delays for most services, including processing applications, in-person appointments and citizenship ceremonies, passport services, and contacting the department. Services offered by third-party organizations will continue to be available and online applications, accounts and support services will be maintained.

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The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada said some processes, such as hearings and filing of documents, will continue, although delays could occur.

Library and Archives Canada: There may be delays in ordering archival and published materials, requesting copies, requesting access to information, making license or copyright applications, and for services to publishers.

Public Safety Canada’s Government Operations Centre: Most services will continue without interruption, although there may be delays in the rollout of funding for community projects and other programs administered by Public Safety Canada.

Public Services and Procurement Canada: Essential services, such as direct deposit, retirement (socioeconomic) payments, language services and public notices, will be maintained. Services that may be partially or completely interrupted include telephone direct deposit, Government of Canada publications and security screenings.

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The Public Service Commission of Canada: Second Language Assessment Services Will Be Limited, Delayed or Unavailable.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Regular police services across the country will continue, but services such as administrative support, media relations, web updates and access to RCMP premises may be disrupted.

Transport Canada: Essential services will continue, but services such as public outreach, regulatory work, aircraft services, issuance of licenses, certificates and registrations, transportation security clearances and other motor vehicle safety hotlines may be partially or completely disrupted.

Veterans Affairs Canada: Periodic payments to veterans continue uninterrupted. That includes disability benefits, income replacement benefits, and additional compensation for pain and suffering. The department expects a reduced capacity to process new payments. New benefit applications or applications already in the queue are prioritized based on needs.

With files from The Canadian Press and Ottawa Citizen

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These are the services that are expected to be affected

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