They denounce that it is due to the construction of two

Robert Collins

Global Courant

Elvira says that when she saw the first crack inside her house in Núñez, she thought it was her problem. Then he understood that those cracks were everywhere, not only in your home, but also in those of your neighbors. And all suspicions led to the same conclusion: the reason was the construction of large towers in the neighborhood.

Although these fractures and cracks in walls, ceilings, and floors have been affecting them for some time, it was only about six months ago that a group of neighbors organized to denounce what was happening. Today there are more than 64 active participants who report damage to their homes and who are aware of the news that arises around the problem.

Both in Núñez and in Bajo Belgrano, groups of neighbors have been warning about construction at height and have even reached limits thanks to projects that have advanced in the Legislature. But unlike what happens now, when the structures of the houses are affected, those criticisms had to do with the new works that changed the historical appearance of traditional neighborhoods of low houses.​

Elvira, Virginia and Mariana, as residents of the neighborhood, are part of the WhatsApp group that collects affected residents. The three live a complicated situation with their homes on a daily basis, but they work all the time documenting the state of the houses in the area.

Mariana at the door of her box. She cannot close the gate due to the unevenness that occurred in the walls and roof of her house. PHOTO: GUILLERMO RODRIGUEZ ADAMI

The three talk about the corner of 11 de Septiembre and Juana Azurduy, a few meters from the house that has been uninhabited for two years due to the danger of collapse. That abandoned property is located on 3442 September 11, and the damage is evident: a massive crack runs through the facade from side to side.​

Around the little houses stand, imposing, towers up to 42 floors, like the ones that Núñez and Libertador have been building for some time. This work, according to the neighbors, has 5 or 6 underground floors and is the cause of the cracks and cracks.

“To make that parking lot they had to make a hole of about 30 meters. And the worst thing is that they have been drawing water and water for about two years. There is another construction site at Arribeños 3417, two chalets were thrown down and they want to continue building buildings Virginia denounces.

That is precisely the central concern of the residents: some architecture experts assure them that it already exists a pronounced depression of nappa, and that is why the houses in the neighborhood are being irreversibly damaged. In practical terms, they explain that the ground moves and the houses, running out of support, “give way until they find a new one to stand on.”

More damage to the Núñez house. Neighbors denounce that they were caused by the construction of two towers in Libertador and Núñez Photo: Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

For some, these side effects take the form of cracks and crevices in walls and ceilings; for others they are noticed in the deviation of the columns that support the houses; and there are also those who notice it in the unevenness of the floors and in the twisting of the facades. Other consequences reported by the neighbors are gas leaks.

They also say that between November and February the cracks increased from one and a half millimeters to one and a half centimeters, and even two or three centimeters. There are also many houses propped up by problems with the unevenness of the ground.

In addition to the towers that are already under construction, they are also on alert for the construction of the Innovation Park, on land formerly Tiro Federal. And the towers of the Business Center and others on Montañeses street are added.

The cracks that scare

Elvira is retired and has lived in the neighborhood for 20 years; She says that she had to do a repair a few months ago in her bathroom and her patio, when cracks began to appear in the walls. Later he realized that those cracks were deeper than he thought, but he can’t afford more repairs.

The Libertador and Núñez towers that the neighbors point out as responsible for the cracks and cracks in at least 60 houses in Núñez. Photo: Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

Added to this situation is a complication that she has at the entrance to her house: due to the depression in the sidewalk of her block, she cannot close the gate that faces the street, which leaves her extremely unprotected.

“My house was my old-age insurance. Now if I want to sell it, they depreciate the value of the property, you end up rselling it for two pesos, in our case it is our only house. If we have to go, where do we go? how do i live I could support myself and today all that is lost. I believe that Cervantes exemplifies us in the best way, because we are Don Quixote fighting against the windmills. wind”, says Elvira.

Virginia lives on Juana Azurduy, very close to the new works that are being carried out in Arribeños and Azurduy. He says that because of all these constructions The garage has cracks and subsidence, as well as fractures in the walls.

“We made all the complaints at the administrative headquarters of the City Government, in Collaborative Management, in Works and Construction Management, we went to the Ombudsman’s Office. They came, surveyed houses, asked us for the photos and documents we had”says the woman.

Damages and cracks in at least 60 houses in Núñez. Photo: Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

The survey of the City Ombudsman was made thanks to the claims of the neighbors. And the presence of the Guardia de Auxilio was requested to verify the situation of the most complicated houses, in case it is necessary to make some kind of propping up. According to what the neighbors told Clarín, there is an idea of ​​holding a dialogue table with the construction companies, the City Government and the victims. According to official information, the questioned works were authorized in 2018.

“Now all this has come to an end, but I’ve been doing home repairs for four years. One day the house next door almost exploded due to a gas leak. The same thing happened around, so it wasn’t just that problem at home. And look what’s there many schools in the area, also clubs”, adds Mariana, who points out that the Joaquín M. Cullen school, on September 11, already had problems with gas leaks.

​”No it is only the present, it is the future supply of water, energy, gas. hOh, stop this, stop the multiple interests that this has to the detriment of the neighbors who have been living here for 40 years. I mean, is a lot of neuron missing to understand that they are taking the water from the subsoil?Virginia added.

​”The issue is that there are approved works here and their environmental impact is not analyzed, with a soil study. ANDI don’t want someone to consult me ​​to build, but I do want someone else’s actions not to affect me”, says Elvira.

As Clarín learned, this Wednesday a meeting was held between neighbors and the construction companies and engineers who made the structural calculation in the Núñez area.

Among those involved are the company Raghsa, Arupac and the trusteeship that represents the Federal Shot (with works in course, like the one of the towers in Manuela Pedraza).

​”They said that due to the distance, the damage from the work cannot be attributed to the properties. When Actually, you have other reports from other professionals who tell you that the effects can be in a radius of 400 meters says Elvira.

Now, the residents are considering hiring an international company that does soil studies to try to put the complex situation they are going through together.​


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They denounce that it is due to the construction of two

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