They detained an 83-year-old man who entered a

Robert Collins
Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-04-26 08:09:44

The old man, who has a criminal record, acted together with an accomplice who is still a fugitive. He had taken a bag with cash and other valuables.

An 83-year-old man, who was carrying a firearm, was arrested this Tuesday after entering a real estate agency in the Buenos Aires town of Lomas de Zamora with an accomplice.

As reported by police spokesmen to the Télam news agency, police agents were patrolling when the employee of a real estate agency, located on the central corner of España and Gorriti, alerted them that he had suffered an assault minutes before at his premises.

According to the victim’s account, the old man arrived at the door of the business and, when the door was opened for him, he took out a gun and entered with his accomplice. After taking a bag with cash and other valuables, they escaped from the place.

Then, the agents began to tour the area around the real estate agency and a few blocks away they intercepted the 83-year-old suspect. He seized a .38 caliber revolver and several of the belongings that had been stolen from the premises.

In addition, after identifying him, they found that he had a criminal record for robberies against people and property. Meanwhile, the other suspect managed to flee and remains on the run.

The Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) 5 of the Lomas de Zamora Judicial Department is involved in the case.

Shooting in Lomas de Zamora: a policeman killed a thief who assaulted him when he got off the bus

A film shooting happened on November 7 in the Lomas de Zamora district, where a 22-year-old policeman killed a thief after he attacked him with a weapon in the middle of the street.

The event occurred after 11 p.m. in the Buenos Aires town of Ingeniero Budge, at the intersection of Espronceda and Rodríguez streets, where the young man -whose identity was not released- was walking back home after finishing his workday as an agent In Buenos Aires city.

It all happened a few meters from the bus stop for line 20, from which the young man had gotten off minutes before. It was there that a couple of motochorros approached him: one of them advanced with the vehicle while the other got out and began to attack the police officer with a .32 caliber weapon.

The violent confrontation that broke out from then on between the attacker and the victim was recorded by the security cameras of the place that captured the moment in which both began to shoot each other face to face on public roads.

In the images you can see how the policeman quickly runs after a car to take cover and with a quick movement he takes out his regulation weapon, which had 17 shots, and begins to defend himself. As reported, the revolver used by the offender had only eight shots.

The tense moment ended when the policeman hit the thief with two of his eight shots, who received one in the head and another in the chest, leaving him lying on the ground with serious injuries. The agent of the City of Buenos Aires, for his part, was unharmed.

As it was learned, the thief -identified as Leonardo Villalba, 28 years old- fired five times while the policeman fired at least eight – he still had 9 unused bullets in the chamber.

Villalba was transferred to a hospital in the area minutes later where he was admitted in serious condition as a result of the bullets received. Finally, he passed away the next day.




They detained an 83-year-old man who entered a

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