“They do not last a week of government”

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-05-06 06:29:05

The secretary of the Popular Economy Council and national coordinator of Somos Barrios de Pie, Daniel Menéndez, issued a coup warning this Thursday in the event that Together for Change reaches the government after the 2023 presidential elections.

“That the social organizations today are an element that is going to put a brake on them and that is going to prevent a neoliberal wave and a wave of the right in Argentina again,” he harangued from the stage during an act in Ensenada called by his organization social, in which he shared the stage with Axel Kicillof.

Then, he continued in a threatening tone: “They do not last two seconds, (Horacio Rodríguez) Larreta with his program. The government does not last a week if they want to advance against the rights of workers.”

“It does not last a millimeter (sic). A decision will not be able to make (Javier) Milei without flooding the streets of Argentina challenging his model of exclusion and hunger,” he said.

In the video of the speech, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, is seen watching Menéndez’s speech from behind and applauding along with the militant audience.

Hours before that event, Kicillof had expressed his intention to seek re-election in Buenos Aires. He considered that “it is natural”, but warned that it will be a “collective” decision that the Frente de Todos will adopt.

“This is not a launch, but it is natural. I always say that this is not an individual decision or a matter of personal adventures. The launch will be at the right time. I am working for this project to be re-elected in the province of Buenos Aires, which is a project for health, for security, for education, for infrastructure, for production,” he said.

Fernando Iglesias: “What Kicillof cannot say, they make Menendez say”

Fernando Iglesias, representative of Juntos por el Cambio for the City of Buenos Aires, described Menendez’s coup warning as “one of the techniques widely used by Kirchnerist Peronism.”

“They use these characters to say what the main actors cannot say. What Kicillof cannot say, they make Menendez say, what Cristina Kirchner cannot say, they make Luis D’Elía say. It is not nothing new”, he considered in dialogue with LN+.

And he continued: “On our part there must be a strong conviction that this is going to happen, that they are going to be what I baptized them at the time ‘the helicopter club’ (Ndr: reference to the departure of Fernando de la Rúa after his resignation in 2001). They are announcing it.”

In addition, Iglesias linked these statements by Menéndez with those of “a papal altar boy, Juan Grabois, who said that blood was going to flow.”



“They do not last a week of government”

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