Tissue salts may provide a natural remedy for asthma attacks

Wang Yan
Global Courant

Do not lose your corticosteroid inhaler. It may be the only thing that works for a severe attack, but natural health care offers a remedy for asthma attacks that can lessen the severity and reduce or completely eliminate dependence on medications such as corticosteroids and bronchodilators. It is possible that the use of an inhaler will become less and less.

Inhalers have side effects that are unpleasant, such as headaches, throat irritation, frequent infections, tremors, or palpitations. Long-term use of inhalers can reduce the body’s ability to absorb calcium effectively and cause osteoporosis because needed calcium is taken from the bones.

Natural health care can provide significant benefits to airway function and a remedy for asthma attacks when used in conjunction with broader lifestyle management changes, such as recognizing and avoiding triggers such as dust and pollen and re-executing of the diet with the following:

  • Eat at least four different colors of fruits, vegetables and beans daily to get a full spectrum of antioxidants.
  • Cut out dairy and soy products and replace them with milk and cheese made from rice
  • Eat more salmon and oily fish but less meat.
  • Supplement each day with 4,000 mg fish oil, 1,000 mg calcium, 1,000 mg quercetin, 600 mg magnesium, 300 mg grape seed extract, and 200 mg pycnogenol.
  • Coffee has been shown to act as a powerful bronchodilator. Drink a cup or two of strong, unsweetened black coffee when you feel an attack coming on

While most of us take easy breathing for granted, those who have difficulty breathing are beginning to realize the value of a healthy respiratory system and strong immune system. The strength and capacity of the lungs all become important.

Keeping the immune system in top shape is essential for good health. In addition, for those prone to chest and respiratory problems, it is important to support lung strength and capacity through regular exercise and avoidance of known allergens.

What are tissue salts and how can they be useful as a remedy for asthma attacks? There are twelve tissue salts in the human body that help keep it in a natural healthy state, able to heal itself by correcting imbalances at the cellular level. When these salts are in the right concentration, we are healthy, but when an imbalance occurs, normal cell function is disrupted and disease ensues.

Specially prepared doses of biochemical tissue salts can provide a natural remedy for asthma attacks. These three biochemical, cell-supporting tissue salts combined can provide such a remedy:

  • Kali phos (6X) is often referred to as ‘nature’s pacifier’. It has a relaxing effect on the nerves and throughout the body and helps support healthy breathing.
  • Mag phos (6X) has several uses, including its ability to prevent spasms and tightness
  • Nat sulph (6X) is classically used as a natural bronchial tonic and helps to calm the airways

This homeopathic formula of tissue salts can be taken internally at the first sign of wheezing, chest constriction, blocked airways or abnormal breathing for effective relief as a remedy for asthma attacks. It supports the functioning of the lungs and bronchi, keeps the airways and immune system healthy and does not have the side effects of corticosteroids and bronchodilators.

Tissue salts may provide a natural remedy for asthma attacks

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