Trump links latest Hunter revelations to Biden


Global Courant

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday linked new revelations about Hunter Biden’s business dealings to what he described as President Biden’s inaction over China’s efforts to build a spy base in Cuba.

Speaking at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority gala in Washington DC, Trump responded to recent claims by an IRS whistleblower that the agency received a 2017 WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to Harvest Fund CEO Henry Zhao Management, in which Hunter claimed he was with his father and asked him to pressure Zhao to keep a commitment.

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the agreement that was made has not been kept. Tell the director I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight,” Biden wrote.

“And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang or the chairman, I will make sure that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to always holding a grudge that you will regret if you don’t follow my directions.”


“I’m sitting here waiting for the call with my father,” Biden is said to have said.

It was also revealed that an account linked to Hunter Biden received more than $5 million a few days later.

President Biden snapped at reporters asking him about alleged corruption involving him and his son, Hunter Biden. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Trump lashed out at Biden’s son on Saturday after recalling the text messages: “I didn’t know he was that tough!”

He then linked the revelations to what he said was a lack of action from Biden following reports that the Chinese regime is planning to build a spy base in Cuba.

“Within 10 days, the Bidens got $5.1 million from China for no reason. They got $5.1 million. In fact, they have taken tens of millions of dollars out of China. And that’s probably why, maybe he’s not complaining about the fact that they’re building military bases in Cuba. Maybe that’s why,” he claimed.

Trump later described Biden as a “compromised president” and suggested that Biden’s policies were influenced by past business dealings.

“This is really 100 times bigger than Watergate. This is a much bigger story than Watergate. That’s why Biden doesn’t mind that China opened up these military installations,” he said. “He basically said, it’s okay. He’s not doing anything, not even saying anything. He’s not talking about it.”

The Biden administration has downplayed the report that China and Cuba reached a secret agreement on a wiretapping facility to allow the Chinese to pick up electronic communications, saying it is an ongoing problem that predates the administration.


“This is an ongoing issue and not a new development, and the arrangement described in the report does not reflect our understanding,” an administrative officer said.

The official said the government was briefed in January 2021 on a “number of sensitive efforts by the PRC around the world to expand its overseas logistics, base and collection infrastructure globally so that the PLA can project and maintain military power at a greater distance “.


China is said to have considered a number of locations in the Atlantic, Latin America, the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa and the Indo-Pacific.

“This effort included the presence of PRC intelligence-gathering facilities in Cuba,” the official said. “In fact, the PRC upgraded its intelligence-gathering facilities in Cuba in 2019. This is well documented in the intelligence file.”

Separately, Hunter Biden’s attorney attacked the IRS whistleblower’s revelations in a statement.

“Biased and politically motivated, selective leaks have plagued this case for years. Not only are they irresponsible, they are illegal. A close examination of the document made public yesterday by a highly biased individual raises serious questions about whether it is what he claims. It is dangerously misleading to make any conclusions or inferences based on this document,” Clark said. “The DOJ investigation spanned a period of time that was a time of turmoil and addiction for my client.”

His attorney also said that “(a) any verifiable words or actions of my client in the midst of a terrible addiction are solely his own and have no connection to anyone in his family.”

Biden got in trouble with China this week when he called President Xi Jinping a “dictator” when he claimed the leader was upset when a Chinese surveillance balloon was shot down over the US earlier this year.


“The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset when I shot down that balloon with two wagons full of spy equipment in it was that he didn’t know he was there,” the president said. “That’s a great shame for dictators if they didn’t know what was happening.”

Trump said in his speech on Saturday that he would “drop the hammer” on China if they refused to scrap the proposed base.

“There will be tariffs that China has never seen before,” he said.

Adam Shaw is a political reporter for Fox News Digital, primarily covering immigration and border security.

He can be reached at or at Twitter.

Trump links latest Hunter revelations to Biden

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