Using TADS for successful orthodontic treatment

Wang Yan

Global Courant

When treatment modalities emerge that can eliminate the need for surgery or reduce the level of patient adherence needed to ensure successful treatment, orthodontists take notice.

Temporary anchorage devices – TADs – address both issues.

Also known as mini-implants, microscrews, mini-screws, and temporary orthodontic implants, some braces experts use them to move teeth into optimal position to achieve proper alignment without having to move adjacent teeth.

Orthodontists say TADs are small titanium alloy screws that provide anchorage once placed in the alveolar process. Placing a TAD is a simple surgical procedure that can be performed painlessly in the office of an oral surgeon or orthodontist using local anesthesia. They are removed once treatment is complete.

Malocclusion treated with TADs

Orthodontists use TADs to treat a variety of malocclusions. Some of them are:

Intruding picks: Mini-implants can move a tooth or several teeth into the correct position without affecting the position of adjacent teeth. This was not possible without TADs.

Dog impaction: If the fangs can’t fall into place because they’re hit or just won’t come through, TADs can be used for correction.

Molar revolt: If the molars are mesially inclined, micro-implants can straighten the molar without unwanted reciprocal movements such as extrusion and/or mesialization of the adjacent teeth. This treatment can be performed without attaching braces to the entire set of teeth.

Closure of space: Gaps where teeth are missing can be corrected through the use of TADs.

Other orthodontic corrections performed using TADs include:

  • Midline correction.
  • Realign and retract front teeth.
  • Stabilization of teeth with reduced bone support.
  • Closing spaces where molars have been removed as part of orthodontic treatment.
  • Intruding/protruding teeth.

Using TADS for successful orthodontic treatment

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