What are the best vitamins recommended for women?

Wang Yan
Global Courant

Women Health magazine states in its May review — “While the Food and Drug Administration’s recommendations for the daily value of vitamins haven’t changed since 1968, what we know about nutrition has.

The Institute of Medicine has new recommendations for vitamins called dietary reference intakes.

The top four essential multivitamin supplements women need are

  • Calcium,
  • Vitamin D,
  • Magnesium and
  • Vitamin K

Finding the best brand of vitamin supplements can be quite difficult with so many brands to choose from on the market. While this may seem impossible as every manufacturer says they are the best, we have found that this is not the case. Today, more than before, you can do your due diligence by finding reviews that independently compare vitamins. It is important to find a calcium pill that contains vitamin D because vitamin D helps in the best absorption of calcium into your cells.

Calcium is most needed to help develop peak levels of bone mass in a developing woman’s growing years. If the intake of minerals such as calcium is lower in the early years, the onset of osteoporosis is quite common when adulthood is reached.

Marilyn Stephenson, a registered dietitian with the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, quotes, “The most important time to get enough calcium is during bone growth and consolidation, a period that continues until about age 30 to 35. years,” said Marilyn Stephenson, a registered dietitian with the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. “The idea is that if you can build up a maximum peak of calcium deposits early on, it can slow fractures that occur later in life.”

The supplementation of magnesium not only aids in proper absorption of calcium, but also plays an important role in protecting against disease, lowering the risk of diabetes, heart disease and colon cancer. New DRIs say we should take at least 320 mg of magnesium per day for best results.

Vitamin D is fat soluble and rarely found in foods, perhaps as an added nutrient to processed foods or as a supplement pill. This special vitamin can also be produced by the action of ultraviolet rays from the sun which convert Vit D in our skin. For vitamin D to be bioavailable in our bodies, it must undergo a number of changes in our body system in order to be beneficial and play a role in calcium absorption.

The importance of Vit D in our bodies, especially women, is that it aids in the absorption of calcium in the gut and helps maintain the required amounts of serum calcium and phosphate concentrations which are important for bone mineralization and preventing hypocalcemic tetany.

Hypocalcemic tetany means less serum calcium, resulting in muscle spasms. The lack of vitamin D causes fragility and thinness of the bones, such as in patients suffering from rickets. Proper levels of vitamin D help prevent rickets in children. Taking adequate amounts of calcium along with vitamin D will reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis in adults.

Vitamin K is an important ingredient that aids in bone health. While Vit K has benefits, you should always consult your doctor if you are taking any medications as it may interfere with the action of blood thinners in medications.

What vitamins do prenatal or pregnant women need for optimal health?

For women who exercise regularly or are pregnant, it is recommended to increase their iron intake compared to women who do not. The reason why iron is important during this time is because it plays a vital role in helping hemoglobin carry oxygen to our cells in greater amounts. The lack or loss of iron causes headaches, pallor and fatigue in women. Try taking a vitamin that contains all B complex supplements. The B group of vitamins helps with energy production and proper carbohydrate metabolism. Keep in mind that women over 50 may need less iron because they don’t lose iron during their period like younger women do. If older women have an iron problem, they should see their doctor, as the loss of iron may be something their doctor should look at.

If women find it difficult to follow a meat diet, then it is recommended to supplement vitamins with the B group of vitamins and iron. Women get tired faster than men and therefore need more vitamin B group. They can add carrot juice to boost the release of vitamin A.

For women who are considering becoming pregnant it is wise to start supplementing with a high-quality vitamin before pregnancy.

  • Vit B6 or folic acid plays an important role in reducing spina bifida in infants. This malformation of the child occurs early in pregnancy when folic acid is absent.
  • Taking a high quality fish oil supplement from a trusted vitamin manufacturer will aid in the development of the baby’s brain. Omega 3 fatty acids have been found to improve the baby’s brain development during pregnancy.
  • If you’re considering getting pregnant, be warned that some supplements contain vitamin A. Vit A can harm the unborn baby in the womb.

Trading Standards watchdogs and charity Birth Defects Foundation Newlife found that a third of products do not carry clear labels proving they contain vitamin A.

What are the best vitamins recommended for women?

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