What do you do if your pet eats weed?

Nabil Anas

Global Courant 2023-04-29 03:48:00

Reports of cannabis-induced toxicosis in pets have increased “significantly” in North America since 2018, after marijuana was legalized for recreational use in Canada and several US states, according to a 2022 study conducted by researchers at the University of Guelph and data from the Pet Poison Helpline.

Researchers from the University of Guelph surveyed 251 veterinarians in Canada and the United States between January and April 2021, 191 of whom worked in Canada. published in PLOS ONE as of April 20, 2022, cannabis poisonings were most commonly reported in dogs and likely caused by edibles that pets ate unsupervised.

“The legalization of cannabis use in Canada and the US is likely a major factor associated with increased cases of cannabis toxicosis in pets, but legal status may also increase reporting,” the researchers noted in the study summary.

The study also found that most pets made a full recovery after cannabis poisoning, but there were some deaths.

In addition, a representative for the Pet Poison Helpline — which takes calls from Canada, the U.S. and the Caribbean — told CTV News that calls about marijuana poisoning in pets increased 735 percent from 2018 to 2022.


Whether your dog or cat (or in some cases a bird) eats an edible marijuana flower or inhales excessive amounts of cannabis smoke, it can be dangerous and in some cases deadly.

VCA Canada Animal Hospitals, which consists of a network of veterinary hospitals in six provinces across the country, says it’s important to determine what kind of marijuana product your pet has ingested, because it affects the treatment your pet needs. For example, a dog that eats a brownie made with cannabis will need treatment for both chocolate toxicity and cannabis toxicity, while a dog that inhales marijuana smoke may need respiratory treatment.

While cannabis products are generally “considered to have a high margin of safety for (most) people,” according to VCA Canada, even a small amount of marijuana can have a negative impact on your pet.

As noted by the University of Guelph study, it’s likely that your pet will recover from poisoning if they eat cannabis products, but it’s possible that marijuana will kill your pet. VCA Canada says it depends on several factors such as your pet’s age, health and body size. In addition, edibles with high concentrations of THC have been reported to kill pets after they eat them. VCA Canada says reports of pets dying from marijuana poisoning were rare until the development of medical cannabis products.

If you want to know how to tell if your pet has eaten cannabis productssays the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association to watch for these signs:

Drowsiness Depression Wobbling, pacing and agitation Sensitivity to sound or light Inappropriate urination Dilated pupils Vomiting Bloodshot eyes Salivation Fast or slow heart rate Low body temperature Vocalization

It’s also important for pet owners to tell their vet exactly what their pet has ingested in order to get an accurate diagnosis. There are tests to find out how much THC is in your pet’s system, but according to VCA Canada, they take time and are impractical.

Your vet can make your pet vomit to get the cannabis out of his system, assuming it was discovered soon enough after your pet ate it, but this may not work. VCA Canada says that in some cases the toxin is already in your pet’s system and that cannabis has “an antiemetic effect that inhibits vomiting”. Veterinarians may also decide to pump out your pet’s stomach or give it activated charcoal to treat the poisoning.

If vomiting doesn’t work or isn’t a viable option, VCA Canada says veterinarians will provide supportive care until the effects of the cannabis wear off. This may include medication or intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration, support blood pressure, and maintain organ function. Vets may also use anti-anxiety medication or gastrointestinal treatments to minimize your pet’s discomfort.

“To prevent self-trauma while your pet is disoriented and uncoordinated, confinement in a safe, comfortable space is helpful. Noise should be kept to a minimum to reduce sensory stimulation,” VCA Canada said in a post on its website. “If cannabis is ingested with toxic or problematic substances, such as xylitol, chocolate, raisins or foods high in fat, supportive care or additional treatment may be required to manage conditions related to the intake of those substances.”

VCA Canada adds that you can prevent pet poisoning by keeping marijuana products in places where your pet can’t reach them. If you smoke marijuana, keep your pets in a separate, well-ventilated area away from smoke. VCA Canada says pets will be tempted to eat cannabis or other things toxic to them if they can get their hands on it.

If you think your pet may have eaten cannabis products, take it to a veterinarian or emergency veterinary clinic immediately.

What do you do if your pet eats weed?

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