Global Courant 2023-04-25 18:00:00
In this article I want to draw your attention to the frustration of others, one of the finds hidden in the depths of the catacombs of the mind. To understand what it consists of, I share the following story.
A person in his childhood frequently observed how his mother complained about the lack of economic resources, she could not pay for the electric power service, sometimes the water, or she went through periods of lean times. On one occasion, she bought a bottle of oil, which she placed in a window, but one of her brothers accidentally dropped the bottle while opening it and it broke.
Seeing the spilled oil, the mother began to cry claiming them, because she no longer had money to buy more oil. This person remembered how her mother, frustrated by the event, had run to her room to cry, while he and her brother looked into her eyes without knowing what to do to comfort her.
Another of the events that he experienced was the time when he accompanied his mother to visit a relative, she sat disconsolate to tell how bad things were happening to her and in the end she borrowed money to finish completing the month’s expenses.
In his adult life this person experienced frustration at times of economic insolvency, he complained about life, about not having been born in a wealthy home, about not having a better salary, about the work he did, in short, he suffered a lot from the crisis and economic scarcity that was happening. After carrying out a deep process of self-inquiry to reflect on the frustration he felt, he relived in his mind those events that he had experienced with his mother and perceived how he unconsciously became hooked on the feeling of frustration that he had seen with his mother and in this way He recognized that his personal frustration was not caused by the bad financial times he was experiencing, but by the emotional repetition of the frustration he had observed in his mother.
After becoming aware of and addressing this deep-rooted emotional discomfort, she released the frustration of others that she carried inside, which brought well-being to her life. After this restoration process, she no longer went through bitterness of this nature, not because the circumstances of her life were prosperous, rather it was the result of not having the frustration of others inside her. In summary, the human being without realizing it absorbs behaviors that he observes from other people, which cause an impact in his life, for this reason self-knowledge is important to perceive and release negative mental models.
Learn about self-inquiry to release emotional burdens and have a fulfilling life. Information WhatsApp 4293-5610.
André Armas, Educator and wellness counselor
Human beings inadvertently absorb behaviors that they observe from other people.