Who’s Mike Johnson, the brand new Speaker of the US Republican Home? | Clarification information

Adeyemi Adeyemi
Adeyemi Adeyemi

World Courant

Mike Johnson, a comparatively lesser-known Republican from Louisiana, has taken the gavel as the brand new speaker of the US Home of Representatives, ending three weeks of political chaos.

“The Home of Individuals is energetic once more,” Johnson declared after taking on the gavel.

Johnson, 51, is an outspoken supporter of former President Donald Trump, who endorsed him for the put up. The brand new chairman has his work lower out for him amid an influence battle in his Republican occasion.

Here is what you could learn about Johnson and his latest election.

Why was the speaker’s race marred by chaos?

The Speaker of the Home of Representatives grew to become vacant after Kevin McCarthy was ousted by the far-right part of the Republican Get together on October 3 after McCarthy handed a bipartisan momentary funding invoice to stop a authorities shutdown.

The stakes have been excessive for U.S. lawmakers, who have been unable to operate within the wake of urgent points such because the looming menace of a U.S. authorities shutdown, the Israeli-Palestinian battle and the conflict in Ukraine.

A cohort of Republican candidates for speaker of the Home of Representatives confronted intraparty infighting. Hours earlier than Johnson’s nomination, Republican whip Tom Emmer dropped his bid after Trump urged Republicans to oppose him. Along with Emmer, Home Majority Chief Steve Scalise withdrew, whereas Congressman Jim Jordan was pushed out of the race after failed makes an attempt to safe the votes.

Regardless of non-public voting, Johnson acquired 220 votes towards Democrat Hakeem Jefferies, who received 209. Democrats stated they’re open to a compromise candidate who would hold the chamber functioning. Republicans have the bulk within the Home of Representatives with 221 members, in comparison with 212 Democrats.

Who’s Mike Johnson?

Johnson was elected to the Louisiana state Home in 2015 and efficiently ran for Congress in 2016. He now represents Louisiana’s fourth congressional district.

The 51-year-old chief is the primary Louisianan to turn out to be speaker and the primary Southerner to function speaker since Republican Newt Gingrich of Georgia within the Nineteen Nineties.

He describes himself as a “Christian, a husband, a father, a lifelong conservative constitutional legislation legal professional and a small enterprise proprietor.” He has opposed abortion rights and homosexual marriage.

In his speech to the Home of Representatives after his election, Johnson pledged to make fast progress on Conservative priorities reminiscent of assist for Israel and border safety.

“The time for motion is now,” Johnson stated. “I can’t disappoint you.”

Earlier than changing into a congressman, he was a lawyer specializing in constitutional points and spiritual freedom. In 2004, he efficiently defended Louisiana’s ban on same-sex marriage. Johnson has drawn on his spiritual beliefs in his work.

He’s additionally the previous chairman of the conservative Republican Research Committee.

However it stays to be seen how effectively Johnson will do in uniting his fractured occasion because the Home of Representatives instantly plunges into debates over authorities spending — or in successful the belief of Democrats deeply distrustful of his socially conservative report and assist for Trump.

The Home of Representatives must approve a spending invoice in mid-November, when the present emergency measures expire.

Is he an ally of Trump?

Johnson defended and performed a task in Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election outcomes following Joe Biden’s victory.

Amongst his far-right colleagues, he has been nicknamed “MAGA Mike,” a reference to Trump’s marketing campaign slogan “Make America Nice Once more,” which remains to be related to Trumpian beliefs.

Trump additionally endorsed Johnson within the race, saying “I believe he will be a incredible speaker.”

The place does he stand on points?

Israeli-Palestinian battle: Johnson helps Israel and his first act as speaker was to name for a decision reaffirming America’s dedication to Israel.

Ukraine: He’s towards sending assist to Ukraine to defend itself towards Russia as a result of he will get an “F” from an advocacy group Republicans for Ukraine.

Abortion: The brand new speaker has defended Louisiana’s anti-abortion rights legal guidelines and labored (PDF) to shut abortion clinics.

Immigration: He’s in favor of tightening the asylum system and has launched this three payments up to now this was the intention.

LGBTQ rights: Johnson opposes homosexual marriage and has launched a invoice in 2022 that might have banned colleges from selling or discussing gender id.

Schooling: Johnson promoted the coverage of college prayer. He’s towards trainer unions.

Who’s Mike Johnson, the brand new Speaker of the US Republican Home? | Clarification information

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