Woman protests in the middle of the international highway in

Michael Taylor

A Honduran woman has given the curious note when protesting in an unusual way in Santa Rosa de Copán.

The lady identified as Emérita stood in the middle of the CA-4 international highway demanding that they return a medicine that the municipal police officers allegedly seized from her.

Members of the National Police came to the place to ask him to move since his integrity was in danger and the images were even more curious than the protest action.

As it became known, this is the second time that the woman protests on said highway, the previous week she had also done the same.

The previous week he left the transport terminal to the Santa Teresa Market in Santa Rosa de Copán, he leaves with a chair and a table in the form of a Protest.

Emérita sells medicines in the vicinity of a bank in Santa Rosa de Copán, the municipal authorities warned her that it was forbidden to do so and they proceeded to confiscate the product.

The woman’s action has received the support of the people since she is known in the sector for being a fighting woman.

Woman protests in the middle of the international highway in

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