27 hours of swimming from the coast of Italy to Vlora,


Global Courant

After Eva Buzo calmed down in the Vlora hospital, she greeted all those who stood by her with a message.

The Albanian athlete who stopped her mission after 27 hours of swimming, says that she feels good and is healthy.

“Hello everyone, I have a message for you. I feel very well and I am healthy. I swam for too long and now I just want to eat a large pizza and an energy drink. They are keeping me in the hospital just for an observation of my health condition. We will hear from you again very soon until I calm down. Wow, what a swim!” says Eva.

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Swimmer Eva Buzo was forced to leave her challenge to swim across the Otranto canal. Set off from Italy to Vlora, Buzo had health problems 27 hours after being in the water. Set off by swimming on Thursday morning, the 35-year-old lawyer was supposed to arrive in Vlora on Friday evening but was forced to leave this initiative a few miles in the middle. away from Karaburun as the Albanian shores had already appeared.

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27 hours of swimming from the coast of Italy to Vlora,

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