What is ChatGPT? | Fox news

Norman Ray

Global Courant 2023-04-29 11:00:27

ChatGPT proves that AI is more dangerous than we think

New York lawyer and writer Alexander Zubatov talks about how AI is rapidly changing society and expresses concern about AI being used as a weapon against dissent about “The Ingraham Angle.”

ChatGPT is an advanced artificial intelligence chatbot developed by AI research firm OpenAI. The AI ​​technology has been added to Microsoft products, including Bing, the company’s search engine.

ChatGPT is a generative AI that can produce content from text to images, hold conversations with humans, suggest operations of computer programming code, and more. The chatbot has the ability to answer questions or help people with questions or tasks through its extensive training using social media, websites, articles, datasets, books and other forms of text on the internet.

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ChatGPT is set to be one of the most disruptive forces in Big Tech, specific sectors such as education and business, and for the future of the human workforce in the coming years.


A 2023 report found that ChatGPT could threaten nearly 5 million jobs. (Gabby Jones/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

How does ChatGPT work?

The second half of the name, GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. Transformers are specialized algorithms for finding long-range patterns in data series. A transformer not only learns to predict the next word in a sentence, but also the next sentence in a paragraph and the next paragraph in an essay. This is what allows long stretches of text to stay on topic.

The chatbot learns to mimic grammar, punctuation, writing structure and other essential components of human intelligence and feeds conversations, answers, information, etc. back to a user.

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What is ChatGPT used for?

ChatGPT is not intended to be a tried and trusted resource as it currently carries many potential risks such as spreading misinformation and violating intellectual property. In addition, it has serious limitations. Currently, most industries use the chatbot to test the correctness of the information they are already experts in compared to ChatGPT’s answers.

However, several professional industries are already using AI to complete tasks faster and more efficiently, although ChatGPT and other chabots are used with skepticism.

In the medical field, doctors test the precision of the diagnostics provided by ChatGPT and patients use the chatbot to obtain information about diseases, drugs and other health-related topics.

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“The suggestions generated by AI were found to provide unique perspectives and were rated as highly understandable and relevant, with moderate usefulness, low acceptance, bias, inversion, and redundancy,” the researchers of a Vanderbilt University Medical Center preliminary study wrote in the research. findings, which were published in the National Library of Medicine. Dai noted that doctors can feed medical records from a variety of sources and formats — including images, videos, audio recordings, emails and PDFs — into major language templates like ChatGPT to get a second opinion.

While ChatGPT is advancing rapidly, it continues to present bias issues and is not always accurate in its answers. (iStock)

Legal experts use ChatGPT to experiment with will and testament development, make decisions about court rulings, and answer legal questions.


Reporters and writers use the chatbot to help create a writer’s block and create content. Media companies including BuzzFeed and the publisher of Sports Illustrated have announced plans to generate content such as quizzes and articles using ChatGPT.

Students are using the new wave of so-called generative AI to write their essays and complete homework assignments. Some schools have blocked access to the service on their networks to prevent fraud, while others are actively encouraging students to use the tools ethically.

What are the dangers of ChatGPT?

While there are numerous benefits to the development and advancement of ChatGPT for business, education, and more, it’s pertinent to recognize that the technology isn’t always accurate. Sources used to train ChatGPT are not fact-checked, generative AI is prone to bias and relies on human feedback to improve accuracy.

“They definitely have bias,” expert Flavio Villanustre told Fox News Digital. “Unfortunately, it’s very hard to deal with this from a coding standpoint. It’s very hard to avoid bias.”

The technology is also prone to ‘hallucinations’. Hallucinations, related to ChatGPT, occur when the AI ​​gives an answer that appears factual, is formally correct, and contains the correct language, but is completely bluffing.

Aside from the level of inaccuracy, there’s a concern that generative AI like ChatGPT could become too human. There are four levels of development for AI; Reactive machines, limited memory, theory of mind and self-awareness.

ChatGPT has passed a theory of mind test that matches the ability of a 9-year-old, as of February 2023.

“All I tell people is that computers don’t get tired. Computers don’t have to go out,” says Dr. Chris Mattmann, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Chief Technology and Innovation Officer to Fox News Digital.


“Does this mean that all those people suddenly become dependent on the government and lose their jobs? No,” said Mattmann. “Sometimes we know this five, 10 years in advance. We have to think about what kind of expertise, what kind of different activities, what are the reasons that those employees should put their professional data and all their knowledge into, because that’s what we’re behind will stand and we will have to help those automation activities.”

The fear people feel about AI advances has been well founded since an April 2023 report acknowledged that only ChatGPT could jeopardize nearly 5 million jobs in the US.

How to use ChatGPT?

Although the large language model – LMM – ChatGPT may initially scare some with its capabilities or intimidate new users, it is quite easy to understand.

OpenAI, a San Francisco-based technology company, launched ChatGPT in November 2022. (Jonathan Raa/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

You must sign up for an OpenAI account to use ChatGPT. Next, you must agree to the terms of use. You then ask the AI ​​model questions and get answers back. It’s that simple.

Some of ChatGPT’s latest features include the following:

You can disable chat history and go incognito with ChatGPT from April 2023You can add ChatGPT to your browser from March 2023ChatGPT Plus is a subscription service available to users from February 2023

When was ChatGPT released?

ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI as part of a strategy to build AI software. On November 30, 2022, ChatGPT was officially launched by OpenAI.

Microsoft, OpenAI’s strategic partner, revealed a $10 billion investment in OpenAI in January 2023. In February 2023, ChatGPT was available to users on Bing’s search engine.


Elon Musk, though said to be developing his own chatbot “TruthGPT,” previously invested $100 million in OpenAI in 2015, according to Business Today. Musk’s massive investment likely played a role in ChatGPT’s evolution.

Who created ChatGPT?

OpenAI, a San Francisco-based AI research lab, created ChatGPT and Microsoft Corp added it to their products, including Bing. Search engine giant competitors Google and Baidu are pushing for the launch of similar tools. Google’s chatbot Bard was released in a limited capacity in March 2023. Baidu also launched Ernie bot in March 2023.

Alibaba, a Chinese multinational technology company, released its own chatbot Tongyi Qianwen in April 2023.

Gabriele Regalbuto is an SEO editor at Fox News Digital. Gabriele has a degree in journalism and communications from West Virginia University. She has worked producing content for newspapers, magazines and digital platforms. At Fox, she has helped cover major news events, including the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, and the 2022 midterm elections.

What is ChatGPT? | Fox news

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