Exclusive/ Nikulaj murder, the statement is revealed


Global Courant 2023-05-02 18:04:23

The Englishman Thomas Mithan was part of the criminal team who observed for several days and then executed, Ardian Nikulaj has given the first signs of becoming an associate of justice.

Top Channel journalist Muhamed Veliu was able to provide what Thomas Mithan stated at the time of his arrest on Saturday morning.

From his statement, which has the form of a confession of a first repentant from the group of 6 people, Thomas Mithan has admitted why he came to Albania and what he should do.

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This is his nailing statement for the rest of the group which is a strong ace already in the hands of the English prosecutor who represents the Albanian state in this extradition process.

“What the hell is this? I went to Albania for a few days. I didn’t want to mess with that story so I went back to England. I went with Harriet to Albania, but I decided to return,” he affirmed.

Thomas Mithan told the court on Saturday that he was willing to put up £2,000 as a bail bond.

Judge Neeta Minhas rejected this request with the argument that we are facing a serious crime for which the Albanian state wanted him.
Thomas Mithan would be handcuffed in the city of Bristol in South East England shortly after the arrest in this same city of Stephen Hunt while a few hours later Harriet Bridgeman was arrested.

Like Harry Simpson and Stephen Hunt, Thomas Mithan also has a problematic past with the law.

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From his criminal record at the English CPS prosecutor’s office, Top Channel learns that 49-year-old Hunt, at the time of his arrest, was in a drug rehabilitation program.

Thomas Mithan was also known as David, born on April 8, 1998.

On April 29, 2014, he would be sentenced to probation for possession and distribution of cocaine. Top Channel journalist Muhamed Veliu was able to provide what Thomas Mithan stated at the time of his arrest on Saturday morning.

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From his statement, which has the form of a confession of a first repentant from the group of 6 people, Thomas Mithan has admitted why he came to Albania and what he should do.

This is his nailing statement for the rest of the group which is a strong ace already in the hands of the English prosecutor who represents the Albanian state in this extradition process.

“What the hell is this? I went to Albania for a few days. I didn’t want to mess with that story so I went back to England. I went with Harriet to Albania, but I decided to return,” he affirmed.

Thomas Mithan told the court on Saturday that he was willing to put up £2,000 as a bail bond.

Judge Neeta Minhas rejected this request with the argument that we are facing a serious crime for which the Albanian state wanted him.
Thomas Mithan would be handcuffed in the city of Bristol in South East England shortly after the arrest in this same city of Stephen Hunt while a few hours later Harriet Bridgeman was arrested.

Like Harry Simpson and Stephen Hunt, Thomas Mithan has a problematic past with the law.

From his criminal record at the English CPS prosecutor’s office, Top Channel learns that 49-year-old Hunt, at the time of his arrest, was in a drug rehabilitation program.

Thomas Mithan was also known as David, born on April 8, 1998.

On April 29, 2014, he would be sentenced to probation for possession and distribution of cocaine.

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Exclusive/ Nikulaj murder, the statement is revealed

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