Marcelo Corazza responded about the possibility

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-05-06 04:50:22

Prosecuted for corruption of minors, the first winner of Big Brother also spoke about his employment situation at Telefe.

Marcelo Corazza, prosecuted without preventive detention and seized for two million pesos, for the crimes of corruption of minors and obscene exhibitions of a child under 13 years of age, after having suffered a judicial setback, responded about the possibility of going to jail. He did it in statements to Intruders (America, at 13), the cycle that leads Flower from Ve.

The legal setback suffered by the first winner of Big Brother (Telefe) and producer of the most recent edition of said reality is that Judge Javier Sánchez Sarmiento rejected his request for the prescription of the cause.

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After being arrested, Corazza was released since the judge considered that there was not enough proof that he was part of the illicit association that exploited minors. In any case, the prosecutor Patricio Lugones appealed to the Chamber, the court that in a few days will decide if the television producer has to be in prison or not.

Marcelo Corazza was approached by Intruders and spoke about his judicial and work situation. Capture TV.

On this subject they consulted Corazza in Intruders. The chronicler accosted him when he was entering his house. Without wanting to make statements, when they asked him how he was, he replied: “Better, better. The truth is that it’s fine.”

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“Emotionally well?” insisted the journalist Rafa Juli. “Well, it costs… But coming back…”, Corazza hastened to say while he tried to enter his house once and for all, and added: “I can’t talk, guys, sorry, sorry.”

“According to the prosecutor, you could go back to prison,” the Intruders chronicler asked him. Forceful, Corazza affirmed: “There are no chances.”

Marcelo Corazza responded about his situation in Telefe

Decided to end his brief dialogue with Intruders, Marcelo Corazza began to climb the stairs while the mobile worker tried to get statements from him about his current job. “Regarding work, how is your situation with Telefe, if there is a relationship?” “We’re talking, guys. Nothing has been resolved yet,” said the producer while he admitted feeling “anxious” about that topic.

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It should be remembered that at the time of his arrest, Corazza was working as a producer of the most recent edition of Big Brother, which was hosted by santiago del moro. Faced with this reality, the station left him “suspended preventively.”

Marcelo Corazza is still “preventively suspended” at Telefe. Capture TV.

Marcelo Corazza’s relationship with Telefe goes back a long way. In 2001, he won the first edition of the reality show that took place on said channel and soon after, he began working there behind the scenes on various programs.

His most recent performance at the station was related to the locations department. And as for Big Brother, he was in charge of coordinating El Debate and was a floor producer at the galas. In fact, he was working until Sunday March 19, the day Romina Uhrig was eliminated from the competition.

When it became known that he had been detained, Telefe issued a statement that was read on Telefe Noticias. There, he reported that the channel was willing to “collaborate with Justice” when required. In addition, he pointed out that, “as regulated by law,” he had “suspended preventively” Marcelo Corazza until his judicial situation was clarified.



Marcelo Corazza responded about the possibility

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