Patricia Bullrich differed from Horacio

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-05-07 23:57:13

The presidential candidate said that Argentina needs a labor reform, after it emerged that her rival in the internal opposition would have promised the CGT not to do it.

The pre-candidate for president for the hard wing of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich, differed from her opponent within the force, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, and assured that if she wins, she will promote a labor reform.

The former Minister of Security was consulted in a dialogue with Radio Rivadavia about the reserved meeting that the head of the Buenos Aires Government had with members of the CGT in which the also aspirant to the Casa Rosada would have promised the unionists that he will not promote a labor reform.

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“I don’t know if what the CGT let go (is true), but I didn’t see a denial from Larreta either. It is very important to be clear with the public,” Bullrich specified and provided details of what his reform would be like because, he stated, he has “no doubt that Argentina needs a labor reform.”

Bullrich indicated that they plan modifications in the monotribute. “We are going to make a very strong change in the monotribute. We are going to make it cheap and easy so that it is convenient for people to bill with a simple monkey, with responsible scales, ”he explained.

Patricia Bullrich promises to advance the labor reform and social plans. Photo Maria Amasanti/Bloomberg

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He clarified that they will respect the collective labor agreements, but, he clarified, “we are going to bring out the ultra-activity”. “We are going to work so that the agreements are open, have different labor modalities,” he indicated.

He also announced that they will work to modify the compensation model. “It has become a robbery, it closes companies, it leaves people without work because there is a trial industry,” said the presidential candidate.

Regarding the beneficiaries of social plans, he said that they have “absolutely no rights.”

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“We are going to change the social plan for unemployment insurance. We are going to give them a work model that is already used in domestic service, in gardening, which greatly simplifies the type of hiring,” he said.

Finally, he said that his idea is to modify the union regulations of the companies and will put an end to the compulsory fees that some unions charge to the workers in their field.

“We want Argentina to have employment, not for 8 million Argentines to be in the situation they are in today, in the informal sector, plus 3 million with social plans,” he added.

Patricia Bullrich with her main economic adviser, Luciano Laspina. Clarín file photo.

The reserved meeting between the CGT and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta

A small group of trade unionists from the small table of the plant held a reserved meeting days ago with the head of the City Government and candidate for Together for Change, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, as confirmed to Clarín by union sources and spokesmen for the Buenos Aires president.

Originally the meeting had been planned to unblock the conflict that the City maintains with the union social works due to the accumulated debt with the Buenos Aires hospitals, but the conversation immediately turned to the candidate’s plans in economic and social matters and his projects in relation to the Labor legislation.

“He guaranteed us that he is not thinking of any labor reform,” one of the unionists who participated in the meeting with Rodríguez Larreta told this newspaper. And another leader expanded in the same sense: “He assured that he is not proposing any reform, that there are some points for discussion (of labor legislation), but he said that he will not make any decision without consulting the CGT,” he insisted.

Other definitions of the head of government also served to reassure the doubts of the trade unionists, according to three of the leaders who participated in the conversation.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta in front of businessmen at the Llao Llao Forum. Clarín file photo.

On the one hand, the ratification of the free parity as a mechanism for salary updating and the defense of the role of the social works that the unions administer. “He reiterated several times that he has no animosity towards the CGT and that he hopes to work together” if he wins the elections, pointed out another trade unionist.

During the talk, and beyond rejecting the idea of ​​labor reform, the Juntos candidate conveyed to the unionists the need to move forward with initiatives to reconvert social plans into genuine employment and insisted on the proposition that any State social assistance must be conditioned to a labor consideration by the beneficiary.

Also, according to what they trusted from the CGT, he charged against the industry the labor lawsuit and the million-dollar fines that are applied against companies for lack of labor registration and that, in his opinion, hinder the creation of formal employment.


Patricia Bullrich differed from Horacio

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