three lines do not circulate due to the aggression against a

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-05-09 15:59:43

Thieves got into a 440 unit, robbed the bus driver and hit him on the head with a rifle butt. A measure of force was initiated that also affects lines 315 and 740 that run through San Miguel, José C. Paz and Malvinas Argentinas.

A driver of bus line 440 was attacked during a robbery that occurred at dawn this Tuesday in the Buenos Aires town of Grand Bourg.

Due to this episode, the services of the transport company La Primera de Grand Bourg SA were interrupted. The measure also affects lines 315 and 740 that run through San Miguel, José C. Paz and Malvinas Argentinas.

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The violent episode occurred after midnight when three criminals boarded an inmate on line 440 at the first stop and attacked the driver who, at that time, was alone on public transport because he was starting his run.

After stealing his belongings, one of the assailants hit him on the head with a rifle butt, causing a cut on his face.

According to one of the delegates, the criminals triggered the victim three times but the shots did not fire. In dialogue with TN, he specified that the blow caused a severe cut to his head for which he had to be given six stitches at the San Miguel Hospital.

The worker also explained that as a result of the attack they began a strike “for an indefinite period” to demand greater security.

“Our partner is fine, but we are demanding more security. This happens every day, it is not from now. We are exposed on the street every day,” he exclaimed.

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“For now, the strike is for an indefinite period. We will see what measures will be taken,” he said this morning, waiting for a meeting with the authorities.

Another attempted robbery and shooting

The drivers of bus line 178 held a strike last Tuesday to demand more security, after reporting a shooting after an attempted robbery in a unit that occurred near the Buenos Aires district of Lanús, in the south of Greater Buenos Aires.

The episode occurred around 6 at the intersection of Camino General Belgrano and Centenario streets, in the Villa Sapito neighborhood. “It is the hottest point of the routes we have,” said a driver from the company La Colorada.

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Two criminals got into the unit and demanded the passengers’ belongings. One of the travelers was a police officer from the City of Buenos Aires. For reasons that are the subject of investigation, an exchange of shots began. One of the bullets hit the SUBE card machine. There were no injuries and the robbers escaped.

The measure of force began at 8 until the service was restored around noon, after a meeting between the drivers and the company authorities. “It’s not the first time. It’s repetitive. We demand more security. We come to work,” demanded one of the bus drivers who was present at the meeting.

“We see these events daily. Many minors act with impunity,” he added in dialogue with TN. “They put patrolmen on us for two days and then we were left alone again,” claimed another of his colleagues.


three lines do not circulate due to the aggression against a

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