who is the businessman who stopped in court the

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-05-10 02:19:59


The opposition party Evolución Federal was created just six months ago. It has Patricia Bullrich and Ricardo López Murphy as national references.

A piece of news shook the siesta in San Juan: the Supreme Court of Justice suspended the gubernatorial election that was to be held this Sunday and no one could rest. The blow to the re-election project of the current governor Sergio Uñac (PJ) was dealt from a judicial presentation of a small opposition party that has only been formed for six months.

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“I congratulate the Court because it has shown that we are all equal before the law. Now all that remains is to work so that San Juan ceases to be a fiefdom and there is independence of powers,” Sergio Vallejos, the textile businessman and candidate for governor, told Clarín. of Evolución Federal, who appealed to the courts with constitutional arguments.

The Federal Evolution party is of liberal ideology and has Patricia Bullrich as a national reference, although she is not a member of Together for Change. It was created by Vallejos six months ago to compete as a candidate for governor, accompanied by the politician and journalist Federica Mariconda.

The businessman who owns the Zonda clothing textile company has never held public office but has been a business militant for several years through the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA), CAME and founding member of the Argentine Chamber of Energy and Mining Suppliers. “It is a party in formation, we compete as a sub-motto of the United for San Juan coalition,” Vallejos explained.

At 2:50 p.m., when he received the news from the media that the election was suspended in San Juan and also in Tucumán; Vallejos was having lunch with the national deputy of Juntos Por el Cambio Ricardo López Murphy at the Syrian Libanés club. The liberal economist had been invited by the Vallejos party at the closing of the campaign.

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San Juan. They ask to challenge Uñac’s candidacy. The constitutionalist Cristian Cao and the candidate for governor Sergio Vallejos, on April 10, 2023, in their presentation in the National Court.

Vallejos appealed to the Court arguing that the San Juan constitution prevents a third consecutive nomination of the governor and vice president. The current governor Uñac has been an uninterrupted member of the ruling binomial of the province since 2011.

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After having exhausted all judicial instances in the Electoral Justice of San Juan with four challenges that were dismissed, the opposition businessman appealed to the highest court of Justice and requested a postponement of the elections that were to be held this Sunday, May 14.

For the Justice of San Juan there were no impediments to Uñac being a candidate again. “Two of the San Juan judges who rejected our proposal are directly related to the governor; Daniel Olivares Yapur, was Uñac’s former running mate, and Dr. Adriana García Nieto, was an official and legal advisor to the governor,” Vallejos denounced.

The news was unexpected for the people of San Juan. There is no history of an election being suspended just four days after the chosen date. The elections called by Uñac had been advanced and separated from the presidential election to try to maintain the power of the Peronism of Uñac and Gioja in the province of Cuyo.

“Justice triumphs. The Court restores our hopes of having a country without privileges,” said Vallejos, 50, with 6 children, and a past as an elite athlete in martial arts. He is a black belt in karate, was a member of the Argentine karate team in the 90s, and for 10 years was a Self Defense teacher at the San Juan Police School.

What does the San Juan Constitution say?

Article 175 of the Constitution of San Juan establishes that: “the governor and the lieutenant governor can be consecutively re-elected up to two times”.

The leadership of Evolución Liberal, of the United Front for San Juan maintains that Uñac cannot compete in this election as a candidate for governor because he is going through his third consecutive term.

The argument is that in the mandates of the current governor of Peronism, it is necessary to count not only the two that he leads the Executive, but also the one that he served as lieutenant governor during the period 2011-2015.

“There is no doubt that no person can run if they have already held any of the positions of governor or vice-president in a row,” said Vallejos, candidate for governor for Evolución Liberal.

The precautionary measure to stop Uñac’s candidacy entered under the patronage of constitutional lawyer Christian Cao. The measure called for the suspension of the call for the election of governor and lieutenant governor of the Province of San Juan scheduled for May 14, 2023, until a final pronouncement is issued on Uñac’s candidacy.


who is the businessman who stopped in court the

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