Without permission you will not be able to enter the United States

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-05-12 11:59:53
The government of the United States ended yesterday the application of the Title 42immigration decree that was implemented since March 20, 2020, with the aim of preventing the spread of covid-19.

He Department of State and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of the United States, made the determination official on April 27, 2023, confirming that from May 12 onwards their country will once again use the immigration powers in accordance with the Title 8.

Regarding this decision, the US ambassador to Honduras, Laura Dogureconfirming the decision of his government.


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665 thousand people have expelled the United States during the first half of the current fiscal year through hundreds of flights.

1,000 migrants a day are turning themselves in to authorities once they cross the border.

“There has been a lot of talk about changes in something called the Title 42, a regulation of US law that we use during the pandemic; This has caused a lot of confusion,” he argued. Laura Dogu.

However, the diplomat was blunt: “People will continue to be expelled if they try to enter the USA without permission, the change is not only the reason for expulsion; but without a doubt, the expulsions of people without documents will continue”.

This shows that the borders of the United States are not open and the end of the Title 42 It does not mean that they can go without permission, he stressed.

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For migrants who are already in central and northern Mexico, the government of united state has made available access to the CBP One mobile application, to schedule an appointment and appear at a port of entry or US border to request entry as a refugee.

Dogu specified that the use of this mobile application will only allow the processing of refugee cases and it will be done in a safe and orderly manner, and that there will be an expansion of the family reunification program, but they should not reach the southern border.

With the expiration of the Title 42the immigration security of the United States will be governed by the traditional immigration measure that imposes more severe punishments such as the opening of a criminal trial for entering the North American country irregularly.

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Besides, USA announced the creation of migrant processing centers in Guatemala and Colombia to reduce arrivals at its border with Mexico, after the end of the Title 42.

The United States increased to 24,000 Border Patrol agents, 4,000 troops, thousands of contractors, and 1,000 asylum officials and judges.

“Without permission you will not be able to enter the United States

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