They asked to bring the rape case to trial

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-05-15 00:17:36

While Sebastián Villa (26) occupies the dock of the defendants in a case for gender violence, he is already preparing for the next accusation against him. The Lomas de Zamora Attorney General’s Office asked the Guarantees Judge Javier Maffucci Moore to bring the rape case to trial.

The Colombian striker from Boca was denounced by a young woman, identified as Rocío Tamara, now 27 years old, with whom Villa used to have a relationship. At the house of country Venado II, of Canning (Esteban Echeverría), after a barbecue in which other players from the “xeneize” team participated, Villa had organized a party.

According to the victim’s complaint, in that meeting, held between June 26 and 27, 2021, while her “bodyguard”, a man nicknamed “Viking”, was in the living room, Villa abused the young woman and then did not give her permission. allowed to leave the property.

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“Suddenly, he starts talking ugly to me, he starts insulting me, he told me that he knew he couldn’t trust me, I tell him I don’t understand, he tells me I’m pretending I don’t understand, he tells me I’m being silly He tells me that I think that he does not realize, that he knew that I was with his companions, and he is already moving abruptly, I try to move, “said the young woman about the moments before the rape.

“He grabs me by the hair from behind, at the nape of the neck and pulls me roughly to his chest and grabs me by the face and asks me: ‘Were you with my partner or not?’ I didn’t know who he was talking about,” he added.

And he continued: “He slaps me with the palm of his hand, on my face and grabs my hair again, that’s where I want to sit and he pulls me towards him again, I tell him I want to go, I tell him ‘no Seba’ and I went off to cry inconsolably, because I was hurting myself, I wanted to leave and that we would talk another day when I was calmer. He tells me ‘ah, he’s going to Cardona’ and I tell him that I want to go, ”

After the complaint, the case fell into the hands of the Prosecutor’s Office No. 3 of Esteban Echeverría and was referred to the General Prosecutor’s Office after the proposal of Villa’s defenders, who are not the same as in the other case for gender violence.

“They made a statement that ‘the appointments of the investigation were not evacuated nor were they allowed to provide evidence,'” judicial sources confided.

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The truth is that these proposals were dismissed by the General Prosecutor’s Office, in charge of Carlos Baccini, who requested this Friday that it be brought to trial.

It is in the hands of the judge to define whether to grant the request or request new evidence. Appeals from the defense will also remain pending until, if resolved in this regard, they draw a court and a trial date is ordered.

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The requirement of the Lomas de Zamora Attorney General’s Office for Colombian soccer player Sebastián Villa, from Boca Juniors, to go to trial in a rape case.

gender violence

This Wednesday will be the allegations of the prosecution and the final stretch of the trial begins in which they accuse him of “injuries and threats” against Daniela Cortés (26), the former partner of the Boca striker who denounced him for gender violence.

Prosecutor Sergio Anauati will argue his accusation and request the penalty he considers for this crime. In parallel, Villa’s defender, Martín Apolo, according to what he can foresee, will request the acquittal of the accused. It is that, according to him he maintained during the debate, “the fact did not exist”, for which he maintains the innocence of his defendant.

Daniela Cortes, with Sebastian Villa.

In the complaint, Cortes reported that Villa would have beaten her at the Canning house that they shared during the pandemic after an argument.

On April 27, 2020, according to the victim, “he hits me on the forehead, kicks me in the stomach, my leg, my thigh,” he said on the first day of the trial by video call.

Daniela lives in Medellín with her son and before the pandemic she used to travel continuously to accompany her partner. During isolation she was stranded in Buenos Aires.

The young woman said that Villa “became violent” when he drank alcohol, that pushing “was common” in the relationship and that on the day of the events he attacked her with “blows to the forehead and kicks to the stomach.”

For this crime, Villa faces a sentence that could reach six years in prison. The decision will be in the hands of Judge Claudia Dávalos, of the Criminal and Correctional Court No. 2 of Lomas de Zamora.



They asked to bring the rape case to trial

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