The elections in Albanian athletics are in the running


Global Courant 2023-05-18 23:16:53

The Albanian Athletics Federation will hold the Extraordinary Electoral Assembly tomorrow morning after the 5-year suspended sentence of former president Gjergj Ruli and 4 years of general secretary Nikolin Dionisi from the Athletics Integrity Unit, part of the World Federation.

In this situation, four candidacies for the post of the president of the FSHA, Taulant Stërmasi, coach of Luiza Gegë, Artan Shyti, former president of the FSHA and former deputy minister of sports, former record-breaking athlete, Ferdinand Canaj, former vice-president of FSHA and lecturer also at the university of sports and businessman Mirton Lika, who withdrew from the competition 24 hours ago, leaving it in the hands of 3 members and members of the athletics family.

This race for the president of the Albanian Athletics Federation will be held for a term in continuation of the current one of former president Gjergj Ruli, until August 27, 2024, to resolve the deadlock created with the national and international activities that were left suspended due to the investigation against the former leaders of FSHA. After that, the electoral assembly will be held for a 4-year term.

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The importance of these elections is even more important because of the Olympic Games that will take place next year, Paris 2024, where our country will try to participate with at least two athletes. Among them Luiza Gega who will participate with qualification and an invitation just like in the last Olympics.

However, many things remain unclear in this organization of this extraordinary election assembly that will take place in the premises of the Olympic complex of sports federations, where there is a significant lack of information about everything that will happen due to the lack of communication with the media of this federation and the organizers of this assembly.

Global Courantl

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The elections in Albanian athletics are in the running

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