Borell meets Kurti in Bratislava: We need it


Global Courant 2023-05-31 17:41:44

The head of diplomacy of the European Union, Josep Borrell, has stated that the situation in the north of Kosovo must be urgently de-escalated.

He met Prime Minister Albin Kurti, on the sidelines of the forum being held in Bratislava.

The EU High Representative has said that the current situation is dangerous and unstable.

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“I met Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Bratislava to discuss the tensions in the north of Kosovo. The current situation is dangerous and unstable. We need urgent de-escalation and a solution through dialogue to return to our work for the implementation of the reached Agreement”, wrote Borrell, who was also accompanied at the meeting by the emissary for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak.

Prime Minister Kurti said that it was important for him to meet the senior diplomats because, according to him, there should be clarity regarding the recent events in Kosovo caused by Serbia.

“The meeting was important. We must have the implementation (of the Kosovo-Serbia agreement) on the right track, and I think that we have sometimes stagnated and sometimes strayed from the path”, said Kurti, adding that “we have no solution, not because we do not have an agreement, but because we do not have implementation of the agreement”, said Kurti.

European Union sources on Tuesday mentioned Bratislava as a possible meeting place for Kurti with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and said they are working on it.

Both leaders were invited to the Security Forum being held in Bratislava. Kurti’s Government initially said that the Prime Minister has postponed the participation, due to the developments in the north of Kosovo.

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Vucic, however, said that he will not go to Bratislava, because, as he said, “it is more important to be with my people”.

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Borell meets Kurti in Bratislava: We need it

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