ASEAN moves joint exercises away from contentious

Arief Budi

Global Courant

JAKARTA – The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has moved its first-ever joint exercises, the Indonesian military said on Tuesday, to keep them away from waters disputed by China.

The bloc’s joint exercises would initially take place in the North Natuna Sea, which Indonesia says is its exclusive economic zone, but where Beijing’s ships occasionally patrol.

When faced with Jakarta, China has invoked the so-called nine-dash line, which demarcates an area it claims to have historic rights but is disputed by its neighbours.

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China claims most of the South China Sea despite protests from Southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia.

ASEAN exercises will now take place in the southern Natuna Sea between September 18 and 25, the Indonesian military said in a statement, avoiding the disputed waters.

ASEAN members have previously conducted naval exercises with the United States and China, but they have never organized military exercises as a bloc.

The decision to do so came at a planning conference between rotating ASEAN chairman Indonesia and “several ASEAN counterparts,” the military said.

China’s main regional ally Cambodia declined to confirm its participation in the exercises after they were initially announced.

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The Indonesian military statement on Tuesday said the exercises will be attended by military leaders from all 10 ASEAN countries.

Military chief Yudo Margono told reporters earlier this month that the exercises would focus on maritime security and rescue, and would not involve combat operations. AFP

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ASEAN moves joint exercises away from contentious

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