The 8 worst habits that deteriorate health and accelerate aging

Robert Collins
The 8 worst habits that deteriorate health and accelerate aging

Global Courant

Aging is the physiological process that species undergoes throughout the life cycle, with changes that produce a limitation of the organism’s adaptability in relation to the environment, defined by the World Health Organization (WHO).

For example, it should be noted that aging is not a uniform process for all human beings, since it can vary according to genetic factors, lifestyle, health conditions, environment, among other conditions.

Precisely at these points you have to put the magnifying glass. In times when life expectancy is increasing, the importance of adopting healthy habits is essential to avoid accelerating this irreversible process.

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Wrinkles are a sign of skin aging. illustrative photo

Below are some points marked by the Clínica Medina digital platform, and replicated on other sites.

Saturated fats, processed and sugars

“Excessive consumption of fats and sugars, like those processed, affect the production of collagen and elastin due to low-quality proteins, and accelerate aging, causing the appearance of wrinkles, expression lines, and flaccidity,” indicate the professionals.

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For this reason, it is advisable to avoid ultra-processed foods (pizzas, hamburgers, bag snacks), sausages, industrial pastries, soft drinks and soft drinks.

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Processed foods and junk food, aging factors. Photo Shutterstock.

What to replace them with? Fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and fish in your diet.


Hydration is one of the most important factors in anyone’s life.

Consuming water is a vitally important routine for the body to remain strong and healthy.

If you don’t hydrate, the skin renewal process is greatly affected, so wrinkles appear prematurely.

alcohol and tobacco

Tobacco interferes with the oxygenation and nutrition of cells. Photo Shutterstock.

Alcohol intake causes fluid retention and dehydrates the skin. For its part, tobacco has a huge list of negative consequences, among them that it affects circulation, interferes with the oxygenation and nutrition of cells, something necessary for the rejuvenation of skin cells, summarized on the site Mayo Clinic.

Even exposing yourself to cigarette smoke is capable of accelerating the appearance of wrinkles and spots, even from youth.

Sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle is another of the causes indicated. Photo Shutterstock.

Physical activity is also another of the key points to take into account to combat a sedentary lifestyle.

In fact, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) states that up to five million deaths per year could be avoided if people were less sedentary.

If the lack of a weekly exercise routine prevails, cell regeneration slows down and the skin is one of the organs that is most affected.

Exposing yourself to the sun without sunscreen

UV rays can cause premature cell aging. Photo Shutterstock.

“Most cases of skin cancer are caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, which can cause damage to skin cells. In the short term, this damage can lead to sunburn,” reports the site of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)the US national public health agency.

Thus, the daily use of sunscreen is one of the essential measures to prevent premature aging.

air conditioners

Too much exposure to air conditioning can dehydrate the skin.

With the extreme temperatures, air conditioners have become essential equipment to survive the summer at home.

However, practically no one takes into account that spending a considerable time in front of them can dehydrate the skin, which accelerates premature aging.

not sleeping well

Sleeping problems. Photo Shutterstock.

“While we sleep, processes occur that help reduce the damage suffered by the tissues during the day, so sleeping less than 7-8 hours a day affects skin oxygenation and favors the appearance of premature wrinkles, pimples, bags and dark circles, and flaccidity ”, indicate from the Clinic.


Stress accelerates changes in DNA and is a sign of aging.

from the site Know how to livepoint out that stress accelerates the natural changes that occur in DNA and that are signs of aging, while being psychologically resilient, knowing how to regulate emotions and self-control, can slow them down.


The 8 worst habits that deteriorate health and accelerate aging

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