“The latest events should not take away our hope”

Michael Taylor

Global Courant

Today the people of Sampedranos celebrate the day of their patron Saint Peter the Apostle. Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez presides over the mass concelebrated by Monsignor José Canales and the presbytery of the Archdiocese of San Pedro Sula.

Archbishop Miguel Lenihan was not present at the Eucharist because together with the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa, José Vicente Nacher, they are in Rome together with the newly ordained archbishops from all over the world and received from His Holiness Francisco, the Archiepiscopal Palio, a garment that prelates have to wear as a sign of the good shepherd.

The canopy is an ecclesiastical garment that consists of a white wool sash, between four and six centimeters wide, made in the shape of a necklace with two ends, one on the chest and the other on the back, which has six silk crosses embroidered on it. black, four on the collar and two on the extremities.

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In his homily, the cardinal said that another Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul cannot be allowed to pass without answering what place Jesus occupies in our lives.

“With the recent events that have occurred, people live in anguish, but let us not forget that God comes to free us from our anxieties”

Rodríguez sent a message on the day of San Pedro remembering that faith is not something old-fashioned, but that it is a life that opens doors to hope and San Pedro Sula has been a city full of hope since it was founded.

“These latest events should not take away our hope, there are always some who say that praying is not enough, but it must be done,” he said.

The prelate recalled that we have forgotten God and we believe that God is in money, in drugs, in shady deals or in robbery, but not the feast of Saint Paul and Saint Peter reminds us of the great hope from the early church.

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The cardinal indicated that the faith goes ahead despite the voices against it. Those who want to make the church disappear sit down and wait, he said in his homily.

He reminded the authorities and the residents of San Pedro Sula that “by the grace of God, San Pedro Sula is what it is and must continue to be, not a town that is afraid and that it is going to be subjugated by some gangs. It is a people called to hope, to development, to prosperity and therefore to overcome evil not with evil but rather to overcome evil with good. Let us not get tired of doing good”.

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“The latest events should not take away our hope”

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