Liberals regret series of Supreme Court rulings: ‘This really sucks’

Norman Ray

Global Courant

Liberals took to mainstream media outlets and on Twitter to express their outrage over a series of recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings announced this week by the majority conservative court.

After the highest court in the nation ruled against affirmative action policies in college admissions, ruled against President Joe Biden’s student loan bailout, and ruled in favor of a Colorado graphic designer’s freedom of expression to refuse creating wedding websites for same-sex couples — all in the span of two days — prominent liberals were appalled.

CNN hosts argued that the series of conservative decisions would usher in the return of Jim Crow laws, MSNBC staffers and network guests claimed they would pave the way for the end of legalized same-sex marriage, and other prominent liberal commentators proclaimed on Twitter that these rulings were evidence that the court had become a “MAGA politician”.

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Liberals smashed the US Supreme Court on Friday after it ruled against several leftist agenda items in two days. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

Shortly after the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of the Colorado web designer on Friday, CNN host Sara Sidner suggested the discrimination the decision enables against LGBTQ people could manifest itself against black Americans in the form of Jim Crow. laws.

On the air, Sidner asked CNN correspondents, “What is your response to this and what might be the consequences? A lot of people are concerned about things like Jim Crow. Could someone decide that they want black people to come through the back door because they don’t want you in their store? I mean, how far can this go?”

During an MSNBC broadcast on that ruling, NYU professor Melissa Murray stated that the Supreme Court is “drunk on its own steam.” She added: “It’s a 6-3 Conservative supermajority, and they’re basically doing what they want.”

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Murray also complained that the court “nevertheless delivered this broad and breathtaking ruling that will profoundly change public life for millions of couples.”

Sarah Kate Ellis, president of LGBTQ media organization GLAAD denounced the decision while on MSNBC, saying, “I think this is a license to discriminate in the highest court. I think this is a pattern we’ve seen with the Supreme Court where they take away rights instead of broadening rights for marginalized communities.”

In another part of her appearance, Ellis also proclaimed that the court “does not reflect the views of the country, where this country wants to go.” She added, “They’re pulling us back to the old Stone Age instead of moving us forward.”

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A article written by reporters Ariane de Vogue and Devan Cole argued that the decision will spark fear among those concerned about the safety of the court’s earlier decision to legalize same-sex marriage.

The authors wrote: “The ruling – rooted in grounds of free speech – will break state public housing laws for those businesses selling so-called “expressive” goods. It is the latest victory for religious conservatives on the Supreme Court and will alarm critics who fear the current court has set its sights on overturning the 2015 matrimonial case.


303 Creative owner Lorie Smith faces the Supreme Court. The court ruled in favor of Smith’s right to refuse to design websites for same-sex couples. (Credit: Alliance That Defends Freedom)

On Twitter, the reaction was equally hyperbolic. MSNBC contributor Dean Obeidallah argued that SCOTUS’s decision in the web designer’s case empowered “right-wing bigots.” He tweeted, “GOP Supreme Court Celebrates Pride Month By Allowing Right-Wing Bigots To Deny Service To The LGBTQ Community.”

MSNBC host Chris Hayes lost it in court ruling against the provision of student loans Friday, tweeting, “god —– this really sucks.”

In another post, the host condemned the multiple conservative rulings made by the court along with the loan decision. He wrote, “This 6-3 majority has done a lot of bad things (Dobbs is, imho, the worst), but for them to decide that you are now $10,000 poorer than you were yesterday is a hell of a thing.

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin claimed the court’s decision proves the institution is, in fact, a pro-Trump outfit. She stated, “when the outcomes at the Supreme Court align perfectly with the right-wing agenda, the court is corrupt. It’s not a court. It acts like a MAGA political operator.”


Hollywood actor and Twitter liberal George Takei ranted against the web designer’s decision, tweeting, “I’m sorry. In America, your right to practice your religion doesn’t give you the right to discriminate. If your business is open to the public, you don’t retain any license to discriminate on the basis of religious belief. Religious bigotry is still bigotry. SCOTUS should be ashamed of itself.”

Gabriel Hays is associate editor for Fox News Digital.

Liberals regret series of Supreme Court rulings: ‘This really sucks’

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