Asians who celebrated the SCOTUS affirmative action decision are under attack on social media

Akash Arjun

Global Courant


The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling against the use of race as a factor in college admissions has sparked a heated debate about the merits of affirmative action and its impact on various racial groups.

End Affirmative Action: By a 6-3 decision on Thursday the Court stated that such policies of Harvard College and the University of North Carolina violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

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The decision, which is expected affecting campuses across the countryprovoked both joy and criticism from various sectors.

“A Big Day”: Among those celebrating the ruling was an activist Yiatin Chuchairman of the Asian Wave Alliance, who described the decision as a “great day” and a victory for equality at major universities.

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“I told my daughter today is a big day. They ended affirmative action. ‘Isn’t it what you fought for?’ she asked. I said yes,” she wrote.

“Racist decision”: while Chu’s feelings were echoed by others in the communityseveral prominent Asian Americans have also expressed disagreement with the ruling and criticized those celebrating it.

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Former member of the New York State Assembly Yuh-Line Niou called it “one of the worst and most racist decisions ever made” in a tweet that quoted Chu’s post and called its celebration “a look”.

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Meanwhile actor and advocate for rights George Takei mocked Chu in his tweet.

“Congratulations. You have ASD: Asian Sucker Syndrome,” he said.

Aiding “white supremacy”: Other pprominent figures berating Chu for supporting the ruling include HBO correspondent Soledad O’Brien and The Atlantic writer Jemele Hill.

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In her tweet, O’Brien accused Chu of “imitating” other people of color, suggesting that previous generations’ civil rights efforts had paved the way for individuals like Chu.

“Congratulations on ripping off other people of color, ma’am! (Especially those whose civil rights efforts paved the way for your family to come to America!),” she wrote.

Hill claimed that by praising the ruling, Chu was unknowingly promoting white supremacy.

“Can’t wait for her to read that you loved carrying the water for white supremacy and stabbing in the back the people whose people zealously fought for Asian-American rights in America,” Hill tweeted.

Discrimination allegations: The cases leading up to the ruling came from allegations of discrimination against Asian-American students by the nonprofit organization Students for Fair Admissions.

In the group’s complaints filed in 2014, it alleged that Harvard University and the University of North Carolina hold Asian American students to a higher standard compared to their black or Hispanic counterparts because of affirmative action policies.

In the majority opinion written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Court stressed the need for targeted and measurable objectives in affirmative action policies.

Asians who celebrated the SCOTUS affirmative action decision are under attack on social media

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