An MP and the Minister of the Interior left! Basha: The event of Fushë Krujë can’t pass only with name-calling


Global Courant

The former leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, has stated that the event of Fushë Kruja cannot be passed only with name-calling.

“The event of Fushë Krujë cannot pass simply and only with name-calling. It is not an isolated case, there are such cases every day, where with the arrogance of Edi Rama’s powerful people, they violate citizens, families, businesses, journalists and the opposition. But the biggest bully for years is the government itself, built on its ties to crime, which today controls it from head to toe.

As long as Edi Rama, the man who represents, connects and protects the interests of crime and oligarchy, will lead the government, such events will continue to be daily, most of them unfortunately out of media attention. The departure of Chuchi and the arrival of Balla does not change anything except the protection of the interests of clans and criminal groups.

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Albania cannot continue to remain in the hands of criminal clans. Therefore, it is vital to separate politics from crime, the fight against corruption and the vetting of female politicians. Only in this way the parliament and the government will be cleaned and return to the service and not violence of the citizens” – said Basha.

Global Courantl

An MP and the Minister of the Interior left! Basha: The event of Fushë Krujë can’t pass only with name-calling

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