Plastic Surgery: Its History and Tradition

Wang Yan

Global Courant

Since self-improvement has always been a driving force of humanity, plastic surgery – restoring and restoring function and beauty – dates back to the earliest times.

This type of procedure was performed as early as 2000 BC, but became a more common practice in India by 800 BC. Progress in plastic surgery has been very slow for centuries. Sushruta, the father of Indian surgery, made contributions to plastic surgery in the 6th century BC.

The ancient Egyptians and Romans were early artists, and the Romans knew how to perform simple procedures from the 1st century BC

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In the mid-15th century AD, Heinrich von Pfolspeundt developed the field when he took skin from the back of the arm and used sutures to secure it in place on a patient’s nose.

When British doctors traveled to India in the late 1700s, they booked nose surgery in 1794. Plastic surgery in the Western world was led by Joseph Constantine Carpue. In 1814 he replaced the nose of a British military officer.

John Peter Mettauer is considered the first American plastic surgeon. In 1827, Mettauer performed the first cleft palate operation in North America using instruments he had designed himself. Other advances in American plastic surgery include: Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach introduced reoperation to improve the appearance of the reconstructed nose; and in 1891, American otolaryngologist John Roe reduced the dorsal nasal hump in a young woman.

In 1896, James Israel, a German urologic surgeon, used free bone grafting to repair saddle nose defects; and in 1889, surgeon Jacques Joseph performed rhinoplasty.

The devastating effects of war played a part in progress in the field. Dealing with seriously injured and burned soldiers due to the weapons used in the war, more devastating facial injuries were brought to the doctors. These treatments provided doctors with continuous work in plastic surgery and progress was made.

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During World War I, Harold Gillies, who worked in London, developed many techniques common in modern plastic surgery. His cousin, Archibald McIndoe, expanded treatment procedures in the care of members of the Royal Air Force.

In 1931, structure was introduced to the United States by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. The organization, the first of its kind in America, applied rules and regulations to plastic surgery. The organization created the first qualifying exam for surgeons and was the leading source of information about the field in the United States. The organization is now called the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and is the largest plastic surgery society in the world.

Gillies was also known for performing the first female-to-male sex reassignment surgery in 1946.

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Plastic surgery continued to develop in the 20th century under Vilray Blair, a plastic surgeon at Washington University in St. Louis, and other American surgeons. Blair treated World War I soldiers and his paper “Reconstructive Surgery of the Face” became the bible for facial reconstruction work for many years.

The field exploded in the 1960s and 1970s with people choosing to have procedures done to improve their appearance rather than opting for post-injury reconstruction work.

Elective cosmetic procedures became a way for women to improve their appearance in the 20th and early 21st centuries. However, in 2007, the Mandell-Brown Cosmetic Surgery Center reported that there had also been a major spike in procedures for men for several years.

Plastic Surgery: Its History and Tradition

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