Northern Cyprus condemns the 2016 coup try in Turkey

Nazim Sheikh

World Courant


Because the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Recep Tayyip Erdogan approaches its seventh anniversary, he condemned the coup try of the Fetullah Terrorist Group (FETO) on 15 July 2016 in opposition to Turkey.

“I as soon as once more condemn all coups in opposition to human rights and freedoms, democracy and the desire of the individuals in any nation on this planet,” Ersin Tatar stated on Thursday.

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Tatar emphasised that FETÖ, which is supported and arranged by “overseas powers”, tried a coup to trample the desire of the nation and democracy, to divide, dismember and chain Turkey.

Nonetheless, this coup try was blocked by the Turkish Armed Forces led by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the safety forces loyal to the Turkish individuals and state.

Tatar emphasised that the Turkish Cypriot individuals strongly opposed the coup try.

“Whereas I commemorate those that had been martyred to nullify FETO’s coup try on July 15, and salute our veterans with respect, I additionally condemn the international locations that shield, assist and attempt to use the members of the FETO terrorist group in opposition to Turkey. stated.

FETÖ and its US-based chief Fetullah Gülen led the defeated coup try on July 15, 2016, through which 252 individuals had been killed and roughly 2,200 injured.

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Turkey accuses FETO of being behind a long-running marketing campaign to overthrow the state by infiltrating Turkish establishments, primarily the military, police and judiciary.

Since its declaration in October 2016, Turkey celebrates 15 July yearly because the Day of Democracy and Nationwide Unity, with occasions to commemorate those that misplaced their lives by defeating the coup plotters and to commemorate the valor of the nation.

*Written by Esra Tekin in Istanbul.

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Northern Cyprus condemns the 2016 coup try in Turkey

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