The Future of Iran-Pakistan Relations under Masoud Pezeshkian 

Manahil Jaffer

The recent election of a new president in Iran has sparked considerable interest and speculation about the future trajectory of its relations with neighboring Pakistan. This article critically assesses the potential impacts of the new leadership on Iran-Pakistan relations, exploring historical ties, current challenges, and opportunities for cooperation in various domains.

Iran and Pakistan share a deep-rooted historical, cultural, and religious bond that spans centuries. Both nations, predominantly Muslim, have historically cooperated on various fronts, including trade, energy, and regional security. However, their relationship has been characterized by periodic tensions and divergent geopolitical interests, especially concerning their interactions with neighboring states and global powers.

Economic Potential: Ambitions and Barriers

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Economically, Iran and Pakistan have sought to strengthen bilateral ties through initiatives such as the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline and trade agreements. The energy sector holds significant promise for mutual benefit, with Iran possessing extensive natural gas reserves and Pakistan experiencing growing energy demands. Yet, economic sanctions imposed on Iran have posed formidable barriers to expanding bilateral trade and investment.

The election of a new reformist president, Pezeshkian, in Iran, presents an opportunity to revitalize economic cooperation with Pakistan. A potentially more conciliatory approach to international relations and efforts to normalize Iran’s global standing could pave the way for enhanced economic collaboration. However, the realization of these prospects hinges heavily on the resolution of sanctions and Pakistan’s capacity to navigate international pressures while pursuing its economic interests with Iran.

Security Dynamics: Counterterrorism and Regional Stability

Security cooperation between Iran and Pakistan has been pivotal, particularly concerning shared concerns over terrorism and regional stability. Both countries have grappled with challenges posed by militant groups operating along their porous border, necessitating cooperation in border management and intelligence sharing.

The approach of the Pezeshkian toward security and counterterrorism cooperation will be critical. Historically, both nations have accused each other of harboring militant groups that threaten domestic security. Addressing these mutual concerns and building trust will demand sustained diplomatic efforts and concrete actions. Nonetheless, differing strategic priorities and regional alignments may continue to present obstacles to deeper security cooperation.

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Regional Dynamics: Strategic Balancing Act

Iran and Pakistan navigate complex regional dynamics that encompass their relationships with Afghanistan, India, and Saudi Arabia. Historically, Iran has maintained cordial ties with India, while Pakistan’s relations with Saudi Arabia have been crucial due to economic and strategic imperatives.

The foreign policy orientation of the Pezeshkian will influence Tehran’s engagements with regional players and, consequently, its relations with Islamabad. Striking a delicate balance between neighboring states and managing regional rivalries will necessitate diplomatic finesse and a clear strategic vision. Simultaneously, Pakistan will need to navigate its own regional engagements while preserving its longstanding ties with Iran.

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Cultural and People-to-People Bonds

Cultural and people-to-people exchanges have long constituted a fundamental aspect of Iran-Pakistan relations. Shared linguistic and cultural affinities foster strong bonds between their populations, evident in religious pilgrimages, academic collaborations, and cultural exchanges that promote mutual understanding and goodwill.

Under the leadership of Pezeshkian, opportunities abound to deepen cultural ties and expand people-to-people exchanges. Initiatives such as educational scholarships, cultural festivals, and joint academic programs can further enhance mutual understanding and forge enduring friendships between Iranians and Pakistanis. These grassroots connections serve as a bedrock for broader cooperation in other spheres of bilateral relations.

Prospects and Challenges Ahead

The election of a new president in Iran presents both opportunities and challenges for Iran-Pakistan relations. Economically, the potential for collaboration in the energy sector remains promising, contingent on the resolution of sanctions and conducive bilateral agreements. Security cooperation, particularly in countering terrorism, requires sustained efforts to bridge mutual distrust and align strategic interests effectively.

Navigating regional dynamics and managing relationships with neighboring states will be crucial for both Tehran and Islamabad. Cultural exchanges and people-to-people ties offer invaluable avenues for fostering deeper mutual understanding and goodwill, underpinning broader diplomatic initiatives.

Ultimately, the trajectory of Iran-Pakistan relations under the new Iranian president hinges on diplomatic initiatives, economic developments, and security cooperation. Both nations possess the potential to leverage their historical ties and shared interests toward building a more stable and prosperous regional framework, provided they navigate challenges and seize opportunities with foresight and mutual respect.

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