They are captured with cocaine valued at L14

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-04-14 01:19:20

In more than 14 million lempiras The 40 kilos of cocaine seized this Thursday in the village of Nance Dulce in the municipality of Triunfo, Choluteca, are valued.

In the operation, Edil Vallecillo Zelaya (35), Rony Reniery Raudales Reyes (37) and Luis Emilio Pineda Muñoz (26) were captured.

Agents of the Anti-Maras and Gangs Against Organized Crime Police Department (Dipampco) seized 40 kilos of cocainefirearms and the capture of three men who are part of a criminal network.

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The three captured, according to investigations, are part of criminal organizations dedicated to the drug sales on a large scale in the southern, central and northern areas of Honduras.

It is worth mentioning that what was seized would be taken to Tegucigalpa in the next few hours.

In total they were confiscated 40 kilos of cocainea pistol-type firearm, a charger with 14 projectiles without firing, a pickup-type vehicle, two cell phones and the amount of 1,500 lempiras.

According to specialists, the price of the drug in the market reaches a value of 14,000,000.00 million of lempiras

The confiscated firearm will undergo ballistic analysis to determine if it has participated in violent acts

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They are captured with cocaine valued at L14

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