“We need certainties, enough of childishness

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-04-16 08:01:05

What are they doing? Do they do it on purpose? Are they having fun at our expense? They are crazy? What a climate of hopelessness, disappointment, and restlessness they are creating! On top of enduring this unbearable anarchy, do we have to bankroll this political childishness, absurd any way you look at it, giving way to other creative whimsy of snake eggs for an unmanageable coven?

I see that the fingers are reaching more and more frequently to the question marks, when we absolutely need certainties, clarities, lights that alleviate the present and mark a possible future, surely hard, but promising something that has a bit of sense. common.

Do they all think they are so wise, so essential, so statesmen, that it does not allow them to get off the step where they climbed with absurd arrogance, and to be able to dialogue like common men -which is what they are ultimately- to offer us a containment against the despair of events?

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What do they want? That we go look for them one by one and sit them down, loose or tied up -circumstances allow for whatever- so that they look at each other’s faces, whether they like it or not, and come down to the reality of those of us who are looking at them? with arms crossed waiting for clear, genuine, real answers, outside of all obscurantist charlatanism, of hollow words. Bread, bread, my old man! Enough! Sing me the joust if they have the necessary guts! In the square of some part of the country the chairs are prepared. We brought them yesterday because there is no time to waste.

In one of those, lightning illuminates them and they land on their shoes that they had absurdly abandoned in their absurd delusions of grandeur. And they come by themselves to sit down to start chattering without raising their voices, listening to each other. The thing is not very complex. Sure, it’s true, they’re not used to it. But what do you want me to tell you? They are going to have to learn fast. You asked for it. We, here, expectant. There is no margin for errors. We are tired, fed up. Let’s do it. Or as those “two” Galicians used to say: “Argentines, to things”.

Hector Giovine / [email protected]

Larreta, the next elections and the controversy

Legality and legitimacy. These terms do not always coincide. Rodríguez Larreta decided something legal but at the same time illegitimate. He decided at the last minute to try to nullify any reaction from his PRO peers, partners and peers; it could be said with a popular domestic term: he left them hanging on the brush.

Guillermo Luis Bravo / [email protected]

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The recently called “concurrent elections”, defined by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta for the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, caused a stir in the national political farm”. Milei called him “the King of the Breed”. The radicals, Lilita Carrió, and a sector of Juntos, agree. Patricia Bullrich uploaded a strong video to the contrary on her networks. Macri spoke of disappointment. María Eugenia Vidal came out to hit. Rhythm too.

In the FdT they celebrated (it is not clear what). The left punished dialectically in a divided way. The Peronist governors refrained from declaring. Martín Lousteau celebrated and Jorge Macri was furious, for obvious reasons Various people celebrated the use of the single electronic ticket.

All this brings with it an incipient emancipation of Horacio by force.

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Andrés Gastaldi / [email protected]

Free competition is the best way to reach satisfactory results. There is no need to be scared because the different pre-candidates compete to win the elections -as it is in all democratic countries- as long as they do so within the established rules of the game.

Although it is not reasonable to modify them a few months after the elections, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta’s decision to split the Buenos Aires and national elections concurrently is consistent with the Electoral Code voted by the Buenos Aires Legislature in 2018. Voters will be able to choose more freely and the imposition of candidacies by hand will be avoided, as has been the usual practice in our electoral history through the obsolete sheet ballots, resulting in a more transparent election.

Ricardo E. Frías / [email protected]

Mauricio Macri, you are a leader, you merged your political party with other like-minded parties to fight a common adversary; goal achieved, but there were hits and misses, you were defeated.

Now, faced with a new battle, an adversity arose from an ally supported by locals and strangers, and it is time to demonstrate your temperance and political dignity, rearranging the Pro and the group of parties that supported you, and for the good of the national political future, consider plausible as claimed and propose a non-aggression pact with lasting peace, to achieve partisan unity.

Your future would be to be an itinerant ambassador to show Argentine and foreign capital that the new Argentina awaits your arrival to show the world that, well managed, we can help the rest of the world to alleviate their needs.

Luis Alfredo Durban / [email protected]

The difference between ambition and aspiration, leaving aside the dictionary, is that in the former the end justifies the means even if you have to step on heads, and selfishness prevails. And in the second, the intention to reach a goal by capacity prevails.

In all the presidential elections the ambition of the politicians for wanting to reach La Rosada to control the boxes is exposed. Logic indicates that in the same political space it is necessary to align behind the best positioned, but this is not the case. The ambition of the politicians who will undoubtedly be the next government, reveals not only personal interest, but also the inability to work as a team. I have no doubt that if Javier Milei were to win, JxC would ally with Kirchnerism, and if JxC won, the divisions between them, which already exist, would generate a new rift.

If the ugly duckling turns into a swan, the divismo would not be bad, but today we have a divismo of chickens where everyone once again wants to be president and they put themselves back in the mouth of the next wolf who will be an opponent, alone and without help.

Gustavo Gil / [email protected]

“Prioritize education and combat poverty in children”

The Todo Noticias newscast reports that today, in Argentina, 6 out of 10 third grade boys cannot read and only 1 (one) of them can do it correctly, adding that teachers usually do not correct what students write. And that in areas of villas, in that third grade, children drop out of school and urged by hunger, poverty, indigence, the absence of any hope of surviving despite everything, they become little drug-selling soldiers, thus entering a space that transforms them into criminals, into victims of a system that gradually destroys them, that distances them from values, breaking the social fabric.

It is time for Argentines to dedicate themselves to satisfying the basic needs of children, prioritizing adequate nutrition so that their brains are put into operation and gradually incorporate the necessary knowledge to students so that they can fight for life.


“We need certainties, enough of childishness

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