Between 12:00 and 6:00 pm check-in

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-04-18 09:05:33

San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

The reporting culture It is the greatest help that citizens can give to security forces, say authorities, who declare that despite the non-functioning cameras of the 911 emergency system, crime continues to be fought vigorously.

Data from the Police Directorate of Investigations (DPI) detail that in the first quarter of this year there has been a 7% reduction of robberies nationwide compared to the same period in 2022. In the department of Cortés the difference has been of 13% less and in San Pedro Sula of a decrease in 24%

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During the first three months of this year, there were 768 robberies with violence or intimidation, 756 robberies with force, 361 robberies without any of the above, 184 vehicle robberies and eight cell phone robberies specifically. Depending on the place of occurrence, on public roads there is a 5% decrease in robberies, a 9% decrease in residential homes and 14% in drive-up banks.


Calling 911 asks the security forces to the population in case of being victims of crime.

The hours in which the crime is mostly recorded is from 12:00 to 17:59. Wednesday is the day with the greatest impact, with a 9% increase in incidents. Despite the decrease in registered crimes, citizens say they feel unprotected, since in San Pedro Sula thefts in homes, vehicles and assaults on public roads have skyrocketed.

For some, the fact that the 911 cameras have stopped working for more than seven months due to problems with the service provider has encouraged crime. “I do believe that security cameras are necessary,” said Yolanda Velásquez on Facebook to Newspaper THE PRESS.

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For many citizens it is necessary that there be improvements in security systems. “There are no ambulances or cameras in that 911 anymore, how inept are those who manage the secretaries of State. This country is in chaos”, expressed José through the social network.

A citizen who preferred to omit her name for security reasons told that criminals broke into her house when no one was there and took many things of material value, this in the Jardines del Valle neighborhood.

“In the house there are cameras, but you can’t see the faces of the thieves because they were covered with a cap and a mask,” he shared.

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Assaults on people who are in their vehicles have also skyrocketed in different parts of the city.

Belkis Valladares, spokesperson for the National Police, declared that although the 911 cameras are not working, as the National Police they continue to work responding to complaints filed by the population and also ex officio with preventive and reaction operations.

“Last week, 12 files of common crimes were sent, such as assaults on homes, businesses, and vehicle theft. Of course, having the cameras makes it easier to find the whereabouts of a vehicle and the follow-up work, but we continue working, ”he said.

Valladares confirmed that during Holy Week there were several house robberies and that they are criminal gangs that are dedicated to this and other crimes.

“They are not maras or gangs, they are gangs that are dedicated to common crime.”

He added that only this Sunday 12 vehicles with reports of theft were recovered in a police operation that lasted 48 hours.

Cristian Nolasco, spokesman for the Police Investigations Directorate (DPI), indicated that through other investigative mechanisms they are responding to the complaints.

Although it has provoked the rejection of many, the recommendation to install security cameras in homes and businesses monitored on cell phones and computers is a measure that should be considered by the population.

Between 12:00 and 6:00 pm check-in

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