A whole bunch march in Senegal in help of Palestine

Nazim Sheikh

World Courant

DAKAR, Senegal

An indication in help of Palestine was held Sunday in Senegal’s capital, Dakar.

A whole bunch of individuals gathered on Malick Sy Avenue and marched to the Monument du Millénaire as a part of the protest organized by the African Mediation, Governance and Battle Decision Group and the Palestinian Embassy in Dakar.

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Türkiye’s Ambassador to Senegal Nur Sagman, Palestine’s Ambassador Nasser Jadallah and Pakistan’s Ambassador Saime Sayed in addition to the envoys of Lebanon, Cuba and Libya took half within the demonstration.

The ambassadors walked arm in arm, main the procession and chanting slogans with the demonstrators.

Talking to Anadolu, Jadallah mentioned “there are vital and elementary modifications occurring worldwide relating to the Palestinian concern.”

“I imagine that African international locations may also strengthen their stance on the Palestinian concern over time,” he mentioned.

Sagman mentioned “the Palestinian ambassador saved me by his facet, and we walked arm in arm.”

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“The Senegalese individuals all the time speak about what Türkiye has performed for Palestine. There’s nice gratitude and admiration for Türkiye on this regard,” she added.

Sayed burdened that the individuals and authorities of Pakistan have been in solidarity with Gaza from the very starting and can proceed to help the Palestinian trigger till the top.

Israel has continued its brutal offensive on the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7 final yr, regardless of a UN Safety Council decision demanding a right away cease-fire.

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Practically 36,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since then, the overwhelming majority being girls and kids, and over 80,600 others injured following an assault on Israel by the Palestinian group Hamas.

Practically eight months into the Israeli struggle, huge swathes of Gaza lay in ruins amid a crippling blockade of meals, clear water and drugs.

Israel is accused of genocide on the Worldwide Court docket of Justice (ICJ), which in its newest ruling has ordered Tel Aviv to instantly halt its operation in Rafah, a metropolis in southern Gaza the place greater than 1,000,000 displaced Palestinians had sought refuge.

*Writing by Zehra Nur Duz

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A whole bunch march in Senegal in help of Palestine

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