Addressing Unrest in Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK)

Sahar Khan

The recent protests in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) have escalated into violent clashes between protesters and police, highlighting a concerning situation that needs immediate attention and resolution. On the surface, the protests appear to be led by the opposition’s Joint-Awami Action Committee (JAAC) against rising electricity prices and inflation. However, when we examine the Joint Public Action Committee’s Charter of Demands in comparison to the cost of living essentials like electricity and flour, the demands seem highly unrealistic. 

One of the demands is based on a false assumption that Pakistan is bound by an unnamed and unseen United Nations agreement to provide subsidies on 48 items to the people of AJK. In reality, both the Federal and AJK Governments are already providing subsidies within their means. The AJK government is subsidizing flour by Rs. 14 billion annually, and the Federal Government is providing Rs. 55 billion annually to distribution companies for cheap electricity in AJK. Thus, the subsidy is already being provided. Kashmir is part and parcel of Pakistan. It is in this regard that Prime Minster Shehbaz Sharif announced a relief package worth PKR 22 billion for funding subsidies in AJK. 

Another demand raised by protesters relates to a purported written agreement allegedly guaranteeing free electricity for the region during the construction of the Mangla Dam. This claim has been widely circulated on social media platforms. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that no such clause exists in the actual agreement. This discrepancy renders the demand unfounded and baseless, as there is no legal or contractual basis to support the claim for free electricity under the terms of the Mangla Dam Construction Agreement. The dissemination of misinformation regarding the agreement highlights the challenges of navigating complex issues such as hydroelectric power generation and distribution. It underscores the importance of verifying information from credible sources before forming demands or taking action based on potentially inaccurate or misleading claims. Addressing the misinformation surrounding the Mangla Dam agreement is crucial to ensuring that public discourse and demands are grounded in facts and reality, rather than unfounded assertions.

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After some time, the Awami Action Committee changed its demands, possibly realizing the absurdity of their initial demands. Now, they are demanding that electricity be provided to consumers at the same cost as the production cost at the Mangla Dam. While this demand may seem reasonable at first glance, the process of transmitting electricity from Mangla to Rawalakot involves significant transmission costs. It involves the installation of poles, transformers, and substations, as well as maintenance, which requires a workforce of nearly 15,000 employees, all with their salaries. Providing electricity at production cost would result in a loss of Rs. 20 to 25 billion, which would have to be borne by the electricity department.

Furthermore, water usage charges from Mangla are also being paid, and even with these charges, the demand does not seem to hold ground. The demand to eliminate GST and other taxes is understandable and legitimate, but other demands are unrealistic and meaningless. Moreover, each production cost is different; Mangla, Neelum Jhelum, and Kohala are producing electricity at Rs. 9 to 11 per unit, so there is a risk that if electricity is provided at a lower rate, it could lead to an increase in electricity prices for consumers.

The desire to convert the AJK Bank into a scheduled bank is also unreasonable because it necessitates a specific process and a minimum capital requirement of Rs. 10 billion, which the AJK Bank is far from reaching. Remember that this capital must be derived from capital or equity, not deposits. As a result, neither the AJK Government nor the AJK Bank are capable of providing this requirement. Only a wealthy patriot could afford to spend Rs. 10 billion in the bank’s capital and purchase shares, making it conceivable.

The demand for the introduction of income tax, property tax, and GST in AJK needs to be contextualized within the region’s current economic framework. AJK sustains a significant Government workforce of 130,000 employees, with a substantial portion of the non-development budget allocated to their salaries. Specifically, the education sector absorbs 30% of this budget, while the energy and health sectors each receive 10%. This indicates a heavy reliance on Government revenue to sustain essential services and public sector employment. In light of these budgetary allocations, the total budget of Rs. 232 billion for the year underscores the magnitude of financial commitments that AJK faces. While the call for tax reduction or reform may be justified to alleviate financial burdens on the populace, the complete elimination of these taxes is neither practical nor feasible. Such a move would deprive the Government of crucial revenue streams needed to sustain its operations and meet its financial obligations, including salaries, infrastructure development, and service provision.

The demand for the restoration of student unions in AJK reflects a desire for formal recognition and empowerment of these bodies within the educational framework. While student unions currently exist in colleges and universities, the absence of a formal notification recognizing their role and rights may limit their effectiveness. The call for restoration likely seeks to address any ambiguities or restrictions that hinder these unions from fully representing student interests and engaging in constructive dialogue with educational authorities. Similarly, the demand for municipal representatives to be provided with funds underscores a perceived need for enhanced local governance and community development. Municipal representatives play a crucial role in addressing local issues and ensuring the efficient delivery of public services. However, the extent and nature of the funds requested, as well as the mechanisms for their allocation and utilization, are areas that may require further clarification and negotiation. This demand reflects a broader aspiration for greater local autonomy and empowerment in decision-making processes that directly impact communities.

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It is essential to clarify that the demand to cease police violence from protesters underscores a broader issue of accountability and the need for swift legal action against those responsible for violent acts. The failure to address violent incidents, such as those occurring on May 9, 2023, in a timely and decisive manner, has contributed to the escalation of tensions. Had legal action been taken promptly against the perpetrators of violence, it could have deterred others from engaging in similar acts and demonstrated the consequences of violent actions against law enforcement agencies. During the violent incidents in AJK, the severity of the situation was highlighted by disturbing actions, such as the public display of a Government officer’s pants as a warning after he was assaulted. This act of intimidation and humiliation, along with the subsequent brutal murder of a sub-inspector, underscores the dangerous escalation of violence and the urgent need for effective law enforcement measures. Addressing these acts of violence and holding the perpetrators accountable is crucial for restoring order and preventing further escalation of tensions. 

PTI, the party of former prime minister Imran Khan, condemned the way police have been treating protesters in the region, saying on X (formerly Twitter), “The continuous harassment and violence against peaceful protesters in AJK is absolutely unacceptable and condemnable. Such policy are dangerous for Pakistan, and represents a direct threat to democracy.” This statement could be seen as an attempt to sow further unrest and instability in the region for its own political purposes. By fueling the flames of discontent, PTI may be seeking to create a narrative of government incompetence and failure, which it can then use to mobilize support for its own political agenda.

In this context, the involvement and support of India cannot also be disregarded. Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh’s statement, declaring, “India will never seize occupied AJK through its claim,” underscores India’s stance on the region. When viewed in conjunction with the ongoing situation in occupied Kashmir over the past 75 years, this statement serves as a stark reminder of India’s oppression and brutality in the region. The events unfolding in AJK have now become a pressing issue that requires immediate attention and resolution from all parties involved. The local population in AJK is particularly distressed by the current situation. The lockdown has had a severe impact on the tourism sector, a vital source of livelihood for many locals. As a result, there is a strong desire among the affected individuals for a swift resolution to the crisis. However, certain local extremist elements are hindering efforts to find a solution, prioritizing their own misguided objectives over the well-being of the community.

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The federal government has initiated efforts to address the situation in AJK, with President Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, and other state institutions working with AJK government to provide relief to the people, and it is hoped that a solution to this issue will be found soon. while the right to protest is fundamental in any democratic society, it should not be misused or manipulated by external elements to further their agendas or push unrealistic demands. The recent protests in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) underscore the importance of distinguishing between genuine grievances and baseless demands. It is evident from the demands put forth by the Joint Public Action Committee that while some issues, such as tax reduction and police accountability, are legitimate and deserve attention, others, such as unrealistic subsidy demands and turning AJK Bank into a scheduled bank, lack feasibility and rationale. It is crucial for all stakeholders, including the government, protesters, and external actors, to engage in constructive dialogue and work towards addressing genuine grievances while safeguarding the region’s stability and sovereignty. The focus should remain on finding realistic and sustainable solutions that benefit the people of AJK and uphold the principles of democracy and justice.

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Sahar Khan is a graduate of COMSATS University, having an extensive research experience in European Union, Russia-Ukraine, and Sub-Continent Power Politics.