Androgenetic Alopecia: Here’s How You Can Do It

Wang Yan

Global Courant

Androgenetic alopecia refers to genetic hair loss in men. Today, more and more people suffer from this condition. If you have this condition, the hair on your head will become thinner over time. If you do nothing about hair loss, you can become bald. But if you’re lucky, your hair will grow back. But if the roots of your hair are affected, no new hair growth will occur in the affected area. Women can also have this problem, but they don’t lose all their hair. Let’s learn more about this condition and how to deal with it.

Basically, this problem is associated with dihydrotestosterone, also known as testosterone, which refers to the male sex hormone. It is important to keep in mind that androgenetic hair loss is not a disease, but a process. While some young men don’t mind walking around with the bald head, others look weird in this state. Most men just don’t want to lose all their hair at a young age. Therefore, they try to solve this problem and look for alternatives.

Hair growth cycle

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Your hair goes through a certain life cycle. Usually it involves three phases: growth, transition and rest. Most hair follicles appear during the growth phase. When your hair loses their metabolic activity, they begin to fall out, which is a natural process.

The follicles continue to function even during the final stage of breakdown. They don’t just die, but the hair produced is too short and thin. That’s why you hardly see them. Over time, the connective tissue closes off the hair growth shaft. This phase is irreversible as far as pharmacological treatment is concerned.

Hereditary alopecia: common causes

One of the most common causes of genetic hair loss is the “high” sensitivity of your hair follicles. In other words, the hair follicles are extremely sensitive to androgens in your scalp. Dihydrotestosterone is one of the most important factors. Actually, androgens refer to male sex hormones. dihydrotestosterone can cause hair growth on your body. But it can also give you a bald head. Although it is associated with male sex hormones, know that it has nothing to do with a hormonal disorder.

What drug can be used to treat alopecia in men?

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While there are many treatments for alopecia, Propecia is one of the most commonly used medications for this purpose. Finasteride is on the list of active ingredients in Propecia, which helps treat alopecia in men. The role of this ingredient is to lower dihydrotestosterone levels by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. However, before you go for it, we recommend that you consult your doctor to make sure you have the type of hair loss that can be treated with this medication.

As mentioned earlier, the primary cause of androgenetic alopecia is the high level of dihydrotestosterone. Therefore, the active ingredient of the said drug can inhibit the enzymes that turn testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. If you use the drug, you will interfere with the hair loss process. As a result, you can experience up to 10% hair growth.

According to experts, Propecia is quite effective when it comes to fighting hair loss. With regular use, the effects occur after about 3 months. Unfortunately, Propecia cannot help you if you lost all your hair a long time ago. Basically, the drug treatment helps to eliminate the cause of the ailment. Apart from this, the drug helps as a form of maintenance therapy and helps to control hair loss. The effect lasts with regular use. But if you stop taking the pills, the problem comes back.

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If you want to stop or at least slow down your hair loss, you can try this remedy. This drug is on the list of over-the-counter drugs. Therefore, you do not need a prescription to buy it from your local or online pharmacy.

According to a study that lasted 5 years, 70% of participants who took 1 mg of the drug daily experienced hair growth. On the other hand, participants who did not take the pills continued to experience hair loss. In addition, half of the participants experienced noticeable hair growth while others lost no more hair.

How can you take these pills?

Since the pills work like a pharmaceutical, you can use them to curb your hair loss process. The pills are taken orally and the daily dose is only 1mg. For best results, experts recommend starting treatment when hair loss has just started. But if you’ve lost all your hair, none of the available therapies may work.

Most people can easily tolerate the drug and the effects of the drug in your body will be reduced by up to 50% within 6 to 8 hours. And if you stop taking the pills, hair loss will continue within 6 months.

In 85% of cases, the use of Propecia can be quite effective against hair loss. There may also be some minor side effects. Below are some of the most common side effects you should be aware of:

  • Thoracic pain
  • Ejaculation disorders
  • Decreased libido
  • Itch
  • Exanthema
  • Inflammation of the lips and face
  • Testicular pain
Also, taking the drug can contribute to birth defects in some cases. Therefore, we recommend that you do not use these pills if you are pregnant. Researchers aren’t sure if the pills can affect breast milk. Although hair loss is a natural process, not all men are happy with their hair loss.

Today you can find many drugs that help block the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Once you remove the root cause of your hair loss, your hair will stop falling out and you will also experience healthy regrowth. Although there are many drugs to choose from, finasteride is on the list of the most effective.

As a precaution, we recommend that you consult your doctor before taking the pills. The reason is that a sudden change in your hormonal levels can also cause some side effects. However, the risk of side effects is very small. In most cases, the primary side effect is a reduction in your sexual desire because dihydrotestosterone affects your libido. But not all users experience these side effects. So there is nothing wrong.

Finally, finasteride offers many advantages over many other sprays and ointments. You only need to take one tablet a day and you can get started. The maximum dose is 1.5 mg finasteride for best results.

Long story short, this was a description of a common drug used to treat hair loss. If you have the problem of rapid hair loss, we recommend that you consult your doctor and take this medication daily.

Androgenetic Alopecia: Here’s How You Can Do It

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