As Putin and Kim sit down for talks, the Russian chief praises North Korea’s ‘unwavering’ assist for the Ukrainian conflict

Norman Ray

World Courant

LONDON — Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean chief Kim Jong Un started a gathering in Pyongyang on Wednesday, the place the 2 are anticipated to reaffirm their strategic partnership of their opposition to Western leaders.

Putin thanked Kim in his opening assertion for his “unwavering assist” for Russia’s conflict in Ukraine. Wednesday’s assembly, which takes place on the primary full day of Putin’s official state go to, is predicted to final about 9 hours.

On this swimming pool picture distributed by Russia’s state company Sputnik, North Korean chief Kim Jong Un (2nd from proper) shakes fingers with Russian President Vladimir Putin (2nd from left) throughout a welcome ceremony in Pyongyang’s Kim Il Sung Sq. on June 19. 2024. (Photograph by Vladimir SMIRNOV/POOL/AFP by way of Getty Pictures)

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Vladimir Smirnov/POOL/AFP by way of Getty Pictures

The negotiations in North Korea are the most recent in a sequence of discussions over commerce and financial ties between the 2 nations, each of that are topic to Western sanctions.

The 2 heads of state held face-to-face talks in jap Russia in September, which have been adopted by rounds of lower-level talks in each Pyongyang and Moscow.

“On account of your go to to Russia final 12 months, we have now made nice progress in creating up to date interstate relations,” Putin mentioned in his opening assertion, based on Interfax, a Russian information company. “A brand new basic doc has been drawn as much as lay a long-term basis for our relationships.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean Supreme Chief Kim Jong Un attend a welcome ceremony on June 19, 2024 in Pyongyang, North Korea. (Photograph by Contributor/Getty Pictures)

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Contributor/Getty Pictures

North Korean state media mentioned on Wednesday that Kim’s authorities hoped the conferences would result in “deepening financial and commerce ties” with Russia.

The US State Division has mentioned North Korea has shipped weapons – together with dozens of ballistic missiles and greater than 11,000 containers of ammunition – to Russia to be used within the conflict towards Ukraine. US officers mentioned it was possible that Putin would request additional army help whereas in Pyongyang.

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“We have seen him change into extremely determined in latest months, seeking to Iran to re-strengthen the army that he’s – army tools that he misplaced in Ukraine, to seeking to North Korea to re-arm itself,” mentioned Matthew Miller , a Ministry of Overseas Affairs. spokesperson, mentioned throughout a briefing on Tuesday. “And so I am fairly positive that is what he is planning on doing.”

This picture was offered on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, by the North Korean authorities, Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and North Korean chief Kim Jong Un shaking fingers on the state visitor home in Pyongyang, North Korea, early Wednesday June 19.

Korea Information Service by way of AP

North Korea hosted a welcome ceremony on Wednesday for Putin, who arrived late on Tuesday and stayed in a single day at a state guesthouse.

Kim had greeted Putin as he stepped off his aircraft at Pyongyang Worldwide Airport. The 2 traveled in Putin’s non-public car “by charmingly lit streets” to the guesthouse the place Putin was staying, North Korean state media reported. The 2 “exchanged their innermost ideas” as they drove, the report mentioned.

The pair strolled by Kim Il Sung Sq. alongside a crimson carpet on Wednesday morning. They have been greeted by giant numbers of North Koreans waving flowers, balloons and flags.

ABC Information’ Joe Simonetti contributed to this report.

As Putin and Kim sit down for talks, the Russian chief praises North Korea’s ‘unwavering’ assist for the Ukrainian conflict

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