“Borders are sacred”, Xhufi: Who decided Isa Boletini? Kurti does not act like a statesman


Global Courant

“This is about voting in three districts in Zubin-Potok, Leposaviq and Zveçan. These three villages did not belong to Kosovo, they were left in because of a quarrel, for these quarrels that we are having now, to have a reason for Serbia to intervene. Who set those limits? The problem is, the votes were held, they were rightly postponed because the Serbs were not participating. The elections were held and in these three towns they won, now the problem is that you really won but you have to justify that you are a statesman. There is no reactive reaction. This is a gesture, he said something, but he said it in a positive sense, and here he embarrassed himself, the USA, the EU. What logic is there, who will you lead there? It took the Kosovo police to guard the place. This is not the time to show authority over three villages. Crime has entered there and the Serbian special services have entered the whole of Belgrade.” – said Pellumb Xhufi.

Global Courantl

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“Borders are sacred”, Xhufi: Who decided Isa Boletini? Kurti does not act like a statesman

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