California Dem Senate candidates all support far-left climate


The three House Democrats who have announced their candidacy for the Senate in California are proponents of far-left action to combat climate change and have approved the multi-trillion dollar Green New Deal.

The Democrats — Representatives Barbara Lee, Katie Porter and Adam Schiff — have supported aggressive policies to switch the U.S. power grid from traditional fossil fuels to green energy like wind and solar power, advocated huge spending packages that would speed up such a transition. promote and support so-called environmental justice measures. The three have all recently entered the race to replace outgoing Senator Dianne Feinstein and are currently the most prominent candidates.

According to the League of Conservation Voters, a left-wing advocacy group in Washington, D.C. that tracks how lawmakers vote on environmental and climate issues, Schiff has a longevity score of 98%, while Lee and Porter have a longevity score of 97%. The high scores indicate that the three have a long track record of supporting measures backed by the far-left organisation.

“From the devastating wildfires in my home state of California to the blizzards in my hometown of Texas, there is no denying that the climate crisis is here, and the threat to the safety and economic security of our communities is growing by the day,” Lee said after co-sponsoring of the Green New Deal along with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y., in April 2021.

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Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., attends a press conference on Jan. 26. (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

“To ensure a healthy and safe future for our children and grandchildren, the federal government must invest in bold policies that address the climate emergency head-on, especially in communities of color and low-income communities that have faced environmental injustice for generations. she added. “Our solutions must fit the scale of the crisis – that’s why I’m proud to support the Green New Deal.”

Lee’s congressional website goes on to state that fighting climate change is a top priority for her, noting that she has fought against oil companies and is working to ensure that “high-paying jobs created by the growing green energy sector are accessible to all, especially people of color , women and veterans.”


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Lee also joined a congressional delegation to a United Nations climate conference in Egypt late last year, where she reaffirmed her commitment to give billions of taxpayer dollars to the international “Green Climate Fund” and warned that “the window is closing soon.” close” to save the planet.

Porter was also an outspoken supporter of far-left climate proposals and signed on to the Green New Deal after working to strengthen “pro-worker provisions” in the legislation.

Rep. Katie Porter, D-Calif., addresses supporters at an election night watch party on Nov. 8, 2022, in Costa Mesa, Calif. (Apu Gomes/Getty Images)

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“Congressman Porter has fought to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for cleaning up after they drill, in addition to advocating a future powered by clean energy,” said Porter’s website. “Congressman Porter is taking action to accelerate our clean energy transition and make the United States a leading green economy.”

“She is a proud member of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition, which advocates for policies that promote renewable energy, tackle climate change and create good green jobs.”

Porter has also repeatedly attacked the fossil fuel industry for its alleged “disinformation campaigns.” In August, she introduced legislation that would cut taxpayer-funded subsidies from oil companies used to help the industry bring products to market, saying “It’s bad enough that these companies are poisoning the planet”.


And Porter made headlines at an October 2021 hearing where she berated oil executives about how much federal land their companies have leased. In a live demonstration, Porter used candy and rice to show how much land the companies owned.

“When you lobby and sue so you can take more of our public land, you’re saying too much is never enough,” Porter said. “The American people are tired of this charade.”

Rep. Adam Schiff, R-Calif., speaks to reporters outside the Capitol in Washington, DC (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst)

Finally, Schiff is the only candidate of the three Democrats to list climate change as a major topic on his campaign website. He advocates the Green New Deal of which he was an original co-sponsor, major new green investments, developing a “green economy” and leading the world in clean energy development.

“Climate change is a fact, our planet is on fire and we must act now,” he says on his website. “That seems common knowledge, but half of our country’s political fabric still denies that simple truth. And worse, refuses to act on it.”

“The Green New Deal is not only a bold plan to tackle climate change and set the record straight, it is also an urgent call to invest in the growth of a modern, green economy that is fair and just for all” , he adds.


On Wednesday, he introduced legislation that would create a sustainable investment fund for federal employees that avoids investing in oil and pharmaceutical tobacco. He said the bill would help federal employees use investments to drive “sustainable practices that help combat the climate crisis.”

He also slammed Republicans for passing legislation that would repeal a rule from the Biden administration that would allow fiduciaries to factor environmental concerns into Americans’ retirement accounts, a move opponents say could significantly harm client interests through social priorities. over financial interests.

Thomas Catenacci is a political writer for Fox News Digital.

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