Carlos III and Camila are crowned as kings

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-05-06 17:45:05

United Kingdom.

Charles III ha been crowned king of United Kingdom In a solemn ceremony held this Saturday at the westminster abbeyin the heart of the British capital.

At the most important moment of this protocol act, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welbyplaced on the head of Carlos III the sumptuous crown of st edward17th century.

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After placing the crown on him, the archbishop shouted to the congregation “God save the king”, after which trumpets were heard.

Sitting in the oak chair st edwardconsidered the oldest piece of furniture in the United Kingdom and placed on a medieval mosaic floor, Charles III he was crowned after receiving the various royal insignia, which symbolize the responsibilities as the British head of state until the day of his death.

The king was given the sovereign’s orb, symbolizing the world; the scepter with a cross, which represents the Christian world; and the scepter of the dove, symbol of the spiritual role of the monarch.

Dressed in a golden cloak, the Primate of the Church of England presented the King with the white glove of power.

Finally, Welby placed the crown of Saint Edward, made of gold and decorated with rubies, amethysts, sapphires, garnets and topazes, the only time in his life that the monarch will wear it.

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Before, the monarch was anointed with consecrated oil by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the most solemn religious rite of the coronation liturgy, which requires the monarch to be temporarily hidden from the public.

The sovereign was veiled by a panel of cloth embroidered with angel motifs and a tree with 56 leaves representing each of the countries of the British Commonwealth of Nationsblessed in the Royal Chapel of St. James’s Palace a week ago.


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On the other hand, Camila has been crowned. She was first anointed with oil on her head by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who subsequently placed on her head the crown of Queen Mary.

The wife of King Carlos III for 18 years ceased to be called queen consort in this way, to be considered only as queen.

A smiling Camilla received from the Bishop Emeritus of London and the Bishop of Dover the Scepter of Queen consort and the Rod with Dove of the Queen Consort.

According to British tradition, the wives of monarchs are crowned queens, something that is not the case with the husbands of queens, as was the case with the Duke of Edinburgh, Philip, father of Charles III and husband of Isabel II.

After Camila’s coronation, the choir sang a new hymn, “Make a joyful noise”, composed for the occasion by the prestigious author of musicals and soundtracks Andrew Lloyd Weber.

Subsequently, the kings took off their crowns, which they wore today for the only time in their lives, to continue with the Eucharist in the religious service, which will end around 12:00 GMT, before returning to Buckingham Palace, from whose balcony they will greet to the citizens.

Camila receives the crown that Queen María had made for her coronation.

Carlos III and Camila are crowned as kings

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